Research group of Jörg Großhans

Institute of Developmental Biochemistry
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen










Quantitative morphogenesis

The overall behaviour of cells and their differentiation is clearly determined in a predictable manner by transcription factors and signalling pathways controlled by the genetic programme. The behaviour of individual cells at a small time scale of seconds to minutes is not genetically determined and predictable but is controlled by self-organisation via interactions with their neighbours. These interactions are assumed to involve mechanical processes. Biomechanics is a rather new but fruitful topic in developmental and cell biology. Analysis is strongly based on interdisciplinary approaches as quantification and modelling plays an important part. Given the topicality and interdisciplinarity we are part in two major research initiatives, the DFG research unit FOR1756 (Functional dynamics of cell contacts in cellular assemblies and migratory cells) and the SFB937 (Collective behaviour of soft and biological matter). We established the following three projects:

  1. Self-organisation of the nuclear array

  2. Dynamics of cytoskeletal networks in syncytial embryos

  3. Junction dynamcis during cell intercalation

Self-organisation of the nuclear array

The early embryo represents a syncytium with many nuclei and their associated cytoskeleton sharing a single big cell. As no separating cell membranes are present, the cytoskeleton, such as microtubule asters can directly interact. Tracking of nuclei showed that they are dynamic especially after mitosis, when a doubled number of nuclei has to rearrange and find their new positions within a hexagonal array. We established a measure for nuclear arrangement (order parameter) and found that both, F-actin and microtubules, determine dynamics of the nuclear array. We are now analysing the mechanism how forces are generated and transmitted between the nuclei. Our hypothesis is that the four-headed motor and crosslinker Kinesin-5 is responsible for repulsion of adjacent microtubule asters and their associated nuclei. A different role might be served by F-actin. We hypothesize that cortical actin dampens movement of nuclei and microtubules by linking astral microtubules to the cortex.
(Kanesaki 2011, Koke 2014, funding: SFB937, C Schmidt, Biophysics, T Aspelmeier, Math Stochastics, U Schwarz, Theoret physics, Heidelberg))

Fluctuations of centrosomes

To comprehensively describe the dynamics of the cytoskeleton and nuclei recording of their movement within the full frequency space from 1000 Hz to 0.01 Hz is required. In the low frequency range with frame rates of few images per minute, directional movements such as drift is uncovered. This has already been performed by conventional live imaging. High frequency recording in the milli and micro second range would uncover and passive (Brownian) movement. Most interesting is the range in between (sub second), as this may reveal active non-equilibrium movements driven by the cytoskeleton.
We established controsomal tracking at 1 Hz and analysed their fluctuations. We find that these fluctuations are driven by microtubules and suppressed by cortical F-actin. Surprisingly, we found that myosin-II does not contribute to active movement and that the microtubule motor Kinesin-1 dampens centrosomal movement instead of promoting it as expected. As Kinesin-1 localises at the cortex and is required for cortical localisation of Dynein, Kinesin-1 and Dynein may link the microtubule asters and the centrosomes in their centre to the cortex. We are now searching for the force generator and extend recording to the high frequency range with upto 1000 Hz.
(manuscr. in preparation, funding: SFB937, Collaborator: C Schmidt, Biophysics, A Zippelius, Theoret. Physics, T Aspelmeier, Math Stochastics)

Dynamics of junctions in cell intercalation

Cell intercalation leads to tissue elongation that is central to many morphogenetic processes during development. In epithelia, intercalation is driven by a concerted shrinking and extension of cell junctions which can be described as a topological T1 process. It has been previously proposed that junction dynamics is autonomously controlled by actomyosin generated forces. We found that the exten- sion of new junctions is non-autonomous and depends on the coordination of cell area changes be- tween the cells participating in the T1 process. This coordination requires tissue tension and E-Cadherin. Large scale cuts in the tissue lead to impaired resolution of 4x vertices. We propose to investigate the mechanism of E-Cadherin dependent coordination in area changes. The coordinated cell dynamics will be characterized using a high yield quantitative imaging approach developed in the initial funding period. We will investigate candidates that may signal between adherens junctions and actomyosin, such as Rho signalling and junction associated regulators of F-actin. Furthermore, we will investigate the mechanism how tissue cuts affect the loss of coordination in cell area changes. We will test the hypothesis that E-Cadherin is the mediator of a mechanotransduction pathway that senses the applied stress in one cell and elicits a signal in the other cell. We will establish methods for the identification of stochastic dynamical systems models of intercellular coordination. These models will enable us to accurately characterize the contribution of distinct junction-types to intercellular coordination.

Exchange of neighbouring cells by junction dynamics (T1 process). A vertical junction constricts so that two 3x vertices fuse into a single 4x vertex. The 4x vertex is resolved by splitting into two 3x vertices. The new junction is in perpendicular orientation to the old junction. The previous neighbours (blue) are not in contact with eachother anymore, whereas the green cells are touching now.

(Zhang 2014, funding: DFG FOR1756, Collaborator: F Wolf, MPI)

(a) Image from a time-lapse recording of an embryo expressing Histon2Av-GFP. (b) Digital representation of the nuclear array. The number of neighbours is colour-coded.

Nuclear dynamics in toto. (A) Nuclear dynamics was recorded by selective-plane- illumination microscopy (SPIM) at a frame rate of 1/30 s and a resolution of 0.5 μm. Projection of the 3D image during mitosis 12 and medial cross section. Position indicated by lines in blue. (B) Order parameter in dependence of distance at indicated time points.

Dynamics of centrosomes. (A) Centrosomes were tracked at 1 Hz. Trajectories of a pair of centrosomes. Pair distance in dependance of time after pair formation.

Model for interaction of centrosomes/nuclei and cortex. Astral microtubules are linked to cortical F-actin by Kinesin-1 and Dynein, whose cortical localisation depends on Kinesin-1. Cortical linkage suppresses controsomal fluctuations. Antiparallel interactions microtubules may promote centrosomal fluctuations.

Epithelial cell intercalation during germband extension in wild type, bicoid nanos torso-like (bnt) mutants that lack any anterior-posterior polarity, xit embryos that affect E-Cadherin glycosylation and E-Cad RNAi embryos. Quantification of junction dynamics in these embryos. Note that junction remodelling is delayed in the latter two types of mutants.

4x vertices are arrested in xit and E-Cad RNAi embryos. Images from time-lapse recordings together with quantification of length of newly forming junction. Histogramm of life time of 4x vertices.