Seminar für Englische Philologie
Universität Göttingen


SS 07
Do 10-12, Medienraum
Oliver M. Traxel


Here you find the suggested course schedule for this semester (some minor variation may occur).

Session Date Topic Textbook:
McArthur, Oxford Guide to World English
Cambridge History of the English Language
1. 19.4. Homepage, Schedule, Distribution of Presentations    
2. 26.4. Old English Dialects handouts in Stud IP (1: Sievert) vol. I, ch. 6
3. 3.5. Middle English Dialects handouts in Stud IP (2: Kühnberg) vol. II, ch. 3
4. 10.5. Middle Scots handouts in Stud IP  
5. 24.5. Modern Scots and Scottish English;
Modern English
pp. 77-106;
pp. 45-77
(3: Brenner) vol. V, ch. 2 (modern section) + Jones, C., The English Language in Scotland: an Introduction to Scots (East Linton, 2002) (chs. 1-6);
(4: Liebers) vol. V, ch. 5
6. 31.5. Wales;
pp. 106-112;
pp. 112-124
(5: Nerger) vol. V, ch. 3;
(6: Finné) vol. V, ch. 4
7. 7.6. Continental Europe;
pp. 124-162;
pp. 296-372
(7: Bolte) M. Görlach, ed., English in Europe (chs. 1 & 2);
(8: Adamaschek) vol. V, ch. 10
8. 14.6. The United States I pp. 163-207 (9: Werner) vol. VI, ch. 1
9. 21.6. The United States II pp. 245-258 (10: Röcker) vol. VI, chs. 2 & 10;
(11: Andersen) vol. VI, chs. 5 & 9
10. 28.6. Canada;
pp. 207-225;
pp. 225-244
(12: Bruno) vol. VI, ch. 12;
(13: Gumpert) vol. V, ch. 7
11. 5.7. Australia;
New Zealand
pp. 373-388;
pp. 388-395
(14: Reichert) vol. V, ch. 6;
(15: von der Linden) vol. V, ch. 8
12. 12.7. Africa;
South Africa
pp. 259-284;
pp. 284-295
(16: Hesse) J. J. Schmied, English in Africa (chs. 1-3);
(17: Häusler) vol. V, ch. 9
13. 19.7. Discussion of Course Work    

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