Homepage - Prof. Dr. Paul Magdon
Paul Magdon  

Dr. Paul Magdon

Professor für Geoinformationswesen und Forstplanung
Fakultät für Ressourcenmanagement
Hochschule für angewandet Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK)
Büsgenweg 1a
37077 Göttingen

Tel: +49 [0]551 5032-189

E-mail: paul.magdon@hawk.de
Twitter: MagdonPaul


Auftraggeber Zeitraum Titel

2021- Modellierung einer klimaangepassten Baumartenverbreitung für Deutschland [Projektleiter]

2014- Zentral-Projekt 3 - Exploratorien zur funktionellen Biodiversitätsforschung: Instrumentierung und Fernerkundung.[Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Remote Sensing]

2016-2019 Sonderforschungsbereich 990: Ökologische und sozioökonomische Funktionen tropischer Tieflandregenwald-Transformationssysteme (Sumatra, Indonesien): INF - Research Data Management and Integrative Statistical Analysis [Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, WebGIS]

2012-2015 Development of integrated carbon monitoring approaches with a focus on scale-dependencies of sampling and remote sensing strategies for tropical forests in Indonesia.[Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter]

2012-2014 Core Project 7 - Land use, forest diversity and forest diversity-related monitoring. [Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter]

2012 Integration multitemporaler RapidEye Satellitendaten im Rahmen der Niedersächsischen Forsteinrichtung [Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter]

2008-2011 Research into the Sensitivity of Fragmentation Metrics [Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter]

2006-2008 Untersuchungen zum Stoffhaushalt zweier bewaldeter Kleineinzugsgebiete Nordsibiriens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres unterschiedlichen Permafrostregimes.[Masterarbeit]

2005-2006 Vergleich der Effizienz verschiedener Waldinventuroptionen für eine nachhaltige Forstplanung in Südkorea [studentische Hilfskraft]

- 2005 Tree Extraction or evaluating the quality of digital surface models and finding of parameters for the extraction of 3D-Points from stereo images. [studentische Hilfskraft]

- 2005 An approach to use the spectral signature from individual tree crowns for species recognition in digital airborne high spatial resolution images. [Bachelorarbeit]]

- 2004 Analysis of landscape structures for assessment of trees and hedges outside of closed forest. [studentische Hilfskraft]


Abteilung Waldinventur und Fernerkundung
Home Page der UAV Campus Gruppe
Fachwiki für den Bereich Waldinventur und Fernerkundung
ForestEye Research GmbH& Co.KG


Remote sensing image processing with open source software
Waldinventur und Fernerkundung
Monitoring of forest resources
Einsatz von Drohnen für Umwelt-Planungs- und Monitoring Aufgaben


Peer Reviewed:

Hagemann, N., Magdon, P. , Schnell, S., Pommerening, A.(2022). Analysing gap dynamics in forest canopies with landscape metrics based on multi-temporal airborne laser scanning surveys - A pilot study, Ecological Indicators,145(2), . Open Access

Muro, J., Linstädter, A., Magdon, P., Wöllauer, S., Männer, F.A., Schwarz, L., Ghazaryan, G., Schultz, J. ,Malenovský, Z., Dubovyk,O. (2022). Predicting plant biomass and species richness in temperate grasslands across regions, time, and land management with remote sensing and deep learning, Remote Sensing of Environment,282 , link

Freudenberg, M., Magdon, P. , & Nölke, N. (2022). Individual tree crown delineation in high-resolution remote sensing images based on U-Net. Neural Computing and Applications , Open Access

Drag, L., Burner, R.C., Stephan, J.G., Birkemoe, T., Doerfler, I., Gossner, M.M., Magdon, P., Ovaskainen, O., Potterf, M., Schall, P., Snäll, T., Sverdrup-Thygeson, A., Weisser, W. and Müller, J. (2022), High resolution 3D forest structure explains ecomorphological trait variation in assemblages of saproxylic beetles. Functional Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14188

Müller, S., Gossner, M. M., Penone, C., Jung, K., Renner, S. C., Farina, A., Anhäuser, L., Ayasse, M., Boch, S., Haensel, F., Heitzmann, J., Kleinn, C., Magdon, P., Perovic, D. J., Pieretti, N., Shaw, T., Steckel, J., Tschapka, M., Vogt, J., Westphal, C. & Scherer-Lorenzen, M. (2022). Land-use intensity and landscape structure drive the acoustic composition of grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment , 328, 0-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2021.107845

Pommerening, A., Gaulton, R., Magdon, P., & Myllymäki, M. (2021). CanopyShotNoise: An individual-based tree canopy modelling framework for projecting remote-sensing data and ecological sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing , 42(18), 6837-6865

Pérez-Cruzado, C., Kleinn, C., Magdon, P., Álvarez-González, J. G., Magnussen, S., Fehrmann, L., & Nölke, N. (2021). The Horizontal Distribution of Branch Biomass in European Beech: A Model Based on Measurements and TLS Based Proxies. Remote Sensing, 13(5), 1041 Open Access

Wöllauer, S. Zeuss, D., Magdon, P., Nauss, T. (2020). RSDB: an easy to deploy open-source web platform for remote sensing raster and point cloud data management, exploration and processing. Ecography . 1-13. Open Access

Bae, S., Heidrich, L., Levick, S.R., Gossner, M.M., Seibold, S., Weisser, W.W., Magdon, P., Serebryanyk, A., Bässler, C., Schäfer, D., Schulze, E.D., Doerfler, I., Müller, J., Jung, K., Heurich, M., Fischer, M., Roth, N., Schall, P., Boch, S., Wöllauer, S., Renner, S.C., Müller, J., (2020). Dispersal ability, trophic position and body size mediate species turnover processes: Insights from a multi-taxa and multi-scale approach. Divers. Distrib. 439-453. Open Access

Kleinn, C., Magnussen, S., Nölke, N., Magdon, P., Àlvarez-Gonzàlez, J.G., Fehrmann, L., Pèrez-Cruzado, C., (2020). Improving precision of field inventory estimation of aboveground biomass through an alternative view on plot biomass. For. Ecosyst. 7. Open Access

Heidrich,L., Bae,S., Levick,S., Seibold,S., Weisser,W., Krzystek,P., Magdon,P., Nauss,T., Schall,P., Serebryanyk,A., Wöllauer,S., Ammer,C., Bässler,C., Doerfler,I., Fischer,M., Gossner,M.M., Heurich,M., Hothorn,T., Jung,K., Kreft,H., Schulze,E.-D., Simons,N., Thorn, S. & Müller, J. (2020), Heterogeneity-diversity relationships differ between and within trophic levels in temperate forests. Nature Ecology & Evolution link

Seidel, D., Annighöfer, P., Ehbrecht, M., Magdon, P., Wöllauer, S., & Ammer, C. (2020). Deriving Stand Structural Complexity from Airborne Laser Scanning Data-What Does It Tell Us about a Forest? Remote Sensing, 12(11), 1854. Open Access

Bae, S., Levick, S. R., Heidrich, L., Magdon, P., Leutner, B. F., Wöllauer, S., Serebryanyk, A., Nauss, T., Krzystek, P., Gossner, M.M., Schall, P., Heibl, C., Bässler, C., Doerfler, I., Schulze, E.-D., Krah, F.-S., Culmsee, H., Jung, K., Heurich, M., Fischer, M., Seibold, S., Thorn, S., Gerlach, T., Hothorn, T., Weisser, W.W. & Müller, J. (2019). Radar vision in the mapping of forest biodiversity from space. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1-10. Open Access

Schlund, M., Magdon, P. , Eaton, B., Aumann, C., & Erasmi, S. (2019). Canopy height estimation with TanDEM-X in temperate and boreal forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation , (82), 101904.

Graf, W., Kleinn, C., Schall, P., Nauss, T., Detsch, F., & Magdon, P. (2019). Analyzing the relationship between historic canopy dynamics and current plant species diversity in the herb layer of temperate forests using long-term Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment, (232), 111305 Open Access .

Schlund M., Baron D., Magdon P., Erasmi S. (2019). Canopy penetration depth estimation with TanDEM-X and its compensation in temperate forests. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (147), 232-241.

Kukunda, C. B., Beckschäfer, P., Magdon, P., Schall, P., Wirth, C., & Kleinn, C. (2019). Scale-guided mapping of forest stand structural heterogeneity from airborne LiDAR. Ecological Indicators (102), 410-425.

Magdon, P., González-Ferreiro, E., Pérez-Cruzado, C., Purnama, E., Sarodja, D., & Kleinn, C. (2018). Evaluating the Potential of ALS Data to Increase the Efficiency of Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Tropical Peat-Swamp Forests. Remote Sensing , 10(9). Open Access

Lausch, A., Erasmi, S., King, D. J., Magdon, P., & Heurich, M. (2017). Understanding forest health with remote sensing-part II - A review of approaches and data models. Remote Sensing , 9(2), 129. Open Access

Lausch, A., Erasmi, S., King, D. J., Magdon, P., & Heurich, M. (2016). Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing -Part I- A Review of Spectral Traits, Processes and Remote-Sensing Characteristics. Remote Sensing, 8(12), 1029, doi:10.3390/rs8121029. Open Access

Pérez-Cruzado, C., Fehrmann, L., Magdon, P., Cañellas, I., Sixto, H., & Kleinn, C. (2015). On the site-level suitability of biomass models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 73, 14-26.

Magdon, P. Fischer, C., Fuchs, H. and Kleinn, C. (2014). Translating criteria of international forest definitions into remote sensing image analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2014.03.033.

Magdon, P. and Kleinn, C. (2012). Uncertainties of forest area estimates caused by the minimum crown cover criterion : -a scale issue relevant to forest cover monitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI:10.1007/s10661-012-2950-0. Open Access

Fuchs, H., Magdon, P., Kleinn, C. & Flessa, H. (2009). Estimating aboveground carbon in a catchment of the Siberian forest tundra: Combining satellite imagery and field inventory. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(3), 518-531.

Flessa, H., Rodionov, A., Guggenberger, G., Fuchs, H., Magdon, P., Shibistova, O., Zrazhevskaya, G., Mikheyeva, N., Kasnsky, O. & Boldau, C. (2008). Landscape controls of CH4 fluxes in a catchment of the forest tundra ecotone in northern Siberia. Global Change Biology, 14(9), 2040-2056.

Book Chapters:

Lausch, A., Heurich, M., Magdon, P., Rocchini, D., Schulz, K., Bumberger, J., & King, D. J. (2020). A Range of Earth Observation Techniques for Assessing Plant Diversity. In Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity (pp. 309-348). Springer, Cham. Open Access

Conference Proceedings:

Magdon,P. and Fehrmann, L., (2018). A new approach to "Forsteinrichtung": Combining enterprise level inventories and airborne LiDAR data to develop compartment wise managment plans. In: Merensky Young Scientist Seminar: Valuation and Evaluation of Forest Resources. Proccedings of the Merensky young scientist seminar,Stellenbosch, South Africa 19-23. September 2018, 30-31.

Magdon, P., Fuchs H., Fehrmann, L., Pérez-Cruzado, C., & Kleinn, C. (2015). The curse of rare events or why enhanced sampling methods are nedded for REDD+ monitoring. In: Bridging the gap between information needs and forest inventory capacity. ,Proceedings of the 5th international DAAD Workshop, Durban and Pietermaritzburg, 06-13. September 2015,71-81

Pérez-Cruzado, C. Sarodjy Y. Melati, D. Magdon, P., Fehrmann, L.,Nengah Surati Jaja, I., & Kleinn, C. (2015). Stand-level biomass models and their use in Fforest monitoring: an example for peat swamp forests in Indonesiaa In: Bridging the gap between information needs and forest inventory capacity. ,Proceedings of the 5th international DAAD Workshop, Durban and Pietermaritzburg, 06-13. September 2015,61-69

Magdon, P., Purnama, E. S., Sarodja D. & Pérez-Cruzado, C. (2014). Estimating above ground biomass using small footprint LiDAR data in tropical peat-swamp forests. -A case study from Central Kalimantan- The Ecological and Economic Challanges of Managing Forested Landscapes in a Global Context, 16-22 March, 2014, Bogor and Jakarta, Indonesia

Sarodja, D., Pérez-Cruzado, C. & Magdon , P. (2014). Simulating the effects of limited visibility on basal area estimation from Bitterlich samples in a tropical peat swamp forest The Ecological and Economic Challanges of Managing Forested Landscapes in a Global Context, 16-22 March, 2014, Bogor and Jakarta, Indonesia

Magdon, P., Kleinn, C., Beckschäfer, P. & Schlather, M. (2011). Uncertainties of Forest Mapping Caused by the Minimum Crown Cover Criterion - A critical scale issue. Conference on Spatial Statistics, 23-25 März, 2011, Enschede, The Netherlands

Magdon, P. and Kleinn, C. (2011). Einsatz von 3D Landschaftsstrukturmetriken zur Erfassung der Waldfragmentierung -Simulationsstudie zur Analyse kritischer Faktoren-.IALE-D Jahrestagung, 12-14 October, 2011, Berlin

Magdon, P., Fuchs, H., Fischer, C. & Kleinn, C. (2010). Forest cover monitroing using RapidEye: a case study in Costa Rica, Monographie 3. RESA Nutzerworkshop, Neustrelitz

Magdon, P., Fuchs,H. & Kleinn, C., 2009. Assessment of aboveground carbon spatial variation in a Siberian forest tundra ecosystem. In: Proceedings of the 33 International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 4-8 May, 2009, Stresa, Italy.

Fuchs, H., Magdon,P. , Kleinn, C., Mikheyeva,N. & Flessa, H. (2007). Estimation and regionalization of aboveground biomass in a forest-tundra ecosystem in Siberia: Combining satellite imagery (QuickBird, ASTER) and field inventory data with a non parametric approach, ForestSAT,5-7 November, 2007, Montepellier, France.

Yim Y., Magdon, P, Kleinn, C & Shin, M. (2006). Estimation of Forest attributes by integrating of Satellite Imagery and Field plot data. In: Kappas M., Kleinn, C. and Sloboda, B. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Environmental Studies. Applications in Forestry. Proceedings of the 2nd GGRS Symposium, 4-6. October,2006, Göttingen.

Fuchs, H., Fricke, U., Magdon, P., Padberg, D., Siewert, M., Böttcher, K. (2005). Untersuchungen zur Eignung der digitalen Luftbildkamera VEXEL UltraCamD für forstliche und landschaftsökologische Anwendungen, 25. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 21-23. September, 2005, Rostock.

Articles in non-refereed media

Staupendahl, K., Fehrmann, L., Fuchs, H., Kleinn, C., Magdon, P., (2020). Neue Wege in der Forsteinrichtung der Forsteinrichtung. AFZ der Wald 15, 27-31. AFZ - Der Wald 15, 40-42.

Nölke, N., Freudenberg, M., Kleinn, C., Fuchs, H., Magdon, P., (2020). Baumartenerkennung mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz ( KI ). AFZ - Der Wald 15, 40-42.

Magdon, P., Fehrmann, L., Fuchs, H., Kleinn, C., Staupendahl, K., (2020). Fernerkundungsbasierte Bestandesinventur. AFZ - Der Wald 15, 36-39.

Fehrmann, L., Staupendahl, K., Kleinn, C., Fuchs, H., Magdon, P., (2020). Business Intelligence Tools zur Nutzung von Waldinventurdaten. AFZ - Der Wald 15, 43-46.

Fehrmann, L., Magdon, P., Fuchs, H., Staupendahl, K., Kleinn, C., (2020). Optimierung von Design- Elementen der Betriebsinventur. AFZ - Der Wald 15, 32-35.

Fuchs, H., Baaske, J., Magdon, P., Spors, H.-J. & Kleinn, C. (2020).Drohnengestützte Flächenermittlung von Wildscheinumbruch AFZ der Wald (14),24-26.

Paul Magdon