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The lsf.acct file is the LSF task log file.

The LSF Remote Execution Server, RES (see res(8)), generates a record for each task completion or failure. If the RES task logging is turned on (see lsadmin(8)), it appends the record to the task log file lsf.acct.<host_name>.


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lsf.acct Structure

The task log file is an ASCII file with one task record per line. The fields of each record are separated by blanks. The location of the file is determined by the LSF_RES_ACCTDIR variable defined in the lsf.conf file (see lsf.conf(5)). If this variable is not defined, or the RES cannot access the log directory, the log file is created in /tmp instead.


The fields in a task record are ordered in the following sequence:

pid (%d)

Process ID for the remote task

userName (%s)

User name of the submitter

exitStatus (%d)

Task exit status

dispTime (%ld)

Dispatch time - time at which the task was dispatched for execution

termTime (%ld)

Completion time - time when task is completed/failed

fromHost (%s)

Submission host name

execHost (%s)

Execution host name

cwd (%s)

Current working directory

cmdln (%s)

Command line of the task


The rest of the fields contain resource usage information for the task (see getrusage(2)). If any field is not available due to the difference among the operating systems, -1 will be logged. Times are measured in seconds, and sizes are measured in KBytes.

ru_utime (%f)

User time used

ru_stime (%f)

System time used

ru_maxrss (%d)

Maximum shared text size

ru_ixrss (%d)

Integral of the shared text size over time (in kilobyte seconds)

ru_ismrss (%d)

Integral of the shared memory size over time (valid only on Ultrix)

ru_idrss (%d)

Integral of the unshared data size over time

ru_isrss (%d)

Integral of the unshared stack size over time

ru_minflt (%d)

Number of page reclaims

ru_magflt (%d)

Number of page faults

ru_nswap (%d)

Number of times the process was swapped out

ru_inblock (%d)

Number of block input operations

ru_oublock (%d)

Number of block output operations

ru_ioch (%d)

Number of characters read and written (valid only on HP-UX)

ru_msgsnd (%d)

Number of System V IPC messages sent

ru_msgrcv (%d)

Number of messages received

ru_nsignals (%d)

Number of signals received

ru_nvcsw (%d)

Number of voluntary context switches

ru_nivcsw (%d)

Number of involuntary context switches

ru_exutime (%d)

Exact user time used (valid only on ConvexOS)


Related Topics:

lsadmin(8), res(8), lsf.conf(5), getrusage(2)



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      Date Modified: February 24, 2004
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