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displays information about LSF jobs


bjobs [-a] [-A] [-w | -l] [-g job_group_name |-sla service_class_name] [-J job_name] [-m host_name | -m host_group | -m cluster_name] [-N host_name | -N host_model | -N CPU_factor] [-P project_name] [-q queue_name] [-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all] [-x] job_ID ...

bjobs [-d] [-p] [-r] [-s] [-A] [-w | -l] [-g job_group_name |-sla service_class_name] [-J job_name] [-m host_name | -m host_group | -m cluster_name] [-N host_name | -N host_model | -N CPU_factor] [-P project_name] [-q queue_name] [-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all] [-x] job_ID ...

bjobs [-h | -V]


By default, displays information about your own pending, running and suspended jobs.

To display older historical information, use bhist.



Displays information about jobs in all states, including finished jobs that finished recently, within an interval specified by CLEAN_PERIOD in lsb.params (the default period is 1 hour).

Use -a with -x option to display all jobs that have triggered a job exception (overrun, underrun, idle).


Displays summarized information about job arrays. If you specify job arrays with the job array ID, and also specify -A, do not include the index list with the job array ID.

You can use -w to show the full array specification, if necessary.


Displays information about jobs that finished recently, within an interval specified by CLEAN_PERIOD in lsb.params (the default period is 1 hour).


Long format. Displays detailed information for each job in a multiline format.

The -l option displays the following additional information: project name, job command, current working directory on the submission host, pending and suspending reasons, job status, resource usage, resource usage limits information.

Use bjobs -A -l to display detailed information for job arrays including job array job limit (%job_limit) if set.

If JOB_IDLE is configured in the queue, use bjobs -l to display job idle exception information.

If the job was submitted with the -U option to use advance reservations created with the brsvadd command, bjobs -l shows the reservation ID used by the job.


Displays pending jobs, together with the pending reasons that caused each job not to be dispatched during the last dispatch turn. The pending reason shows the number of hosts for that reason, or names the hosts if -l is also specified.

With MultiCluster, -l shows the names of hosts in the local cluster.

Each pending reason is associated with one or more hosts and it states the cause why these hosts are not allocated to run the job. In situations where the job requests specific hosts (using bsub -m), users may see reasons for unrelated hosts also being displayed, together with the reasons associated with the requested hosts.

The life cycle of a pending reason ends after the time indicated by PEND_UPDATE_INTERVAL in lsb.params.

When the job slot limit is reached for a job array (bsub -J "jobArray[indexList]%job_slot_limit") the following message is displayed:

The job array has reached its job slot limit.


Displays running jobs.


Displays suspended jobs, together with the suspending reason that caused each job to become suspended.

The suspending reason may not remain the same while the job stays suspended. For example, a job may have been suspended due to the paging rate, but after the paging rate dropped another load index could prevent the job from being resumed. The suspending reason will be updated according to the load index. The reasons could be as old as the time interval specified by SBD_SLEEP_TIME in lsb.params. So the reasons shown may not reflect the current load situation.


Wide format. Displays job information without truncating fields.

-g job_group_name

Displays information about jobs attached to the job group specified by job_group_name. For example:

% bjobs -g /risk_group
113     user1   PEND  normal     hostA                   myjob     Jun 17 16:15
111     user2   RUN   normal     hostA       hostA       myjob     Jun 14 15:13
110     user1   RUN   normal     hostB       hostA       myjob     Jun 12 05:03
104     user3   RUN   normal     hostA       hostC       myjob     Jun 11 13:18

You cannot use -g with -sla. A job can either be attached to a job group or a service class, but not both.

bjobs -l with -g displays the full path to the group to which a job is attached. For example:

% bjobs -l -g /risk_group

Job <101>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Job Group 
</risk_group>, Status <RUN>, Queue <normal>, Command <myjob>
Tue Jun 17 16:21:49: Submitted from host <hostA>, CWD 
Tue Jun 17 16:22:01: Started on <hostA>;

-J job_name

Displays information about the specified jobs or job arrays.

-m host_name ... | -m host_group ... | -m cluster_name ...

Only displays jobs dispatched to the specified hosts. To see the available hosts, use bhosts.

If a host group is specified, displays jobs dispatched to all hosts in the group. To determine the available host groups, use bmgroup.

With MultiCluster, displays jobs in the specified cluster. If a remote cluster name is specified, you will see the remote job ID, even if the execution host belongs to the local cluster. To determine the available clusters, use bclusters.

-N host_name | -N host_model | -N CPU_factor

Displays the normalized CPU time consumed by the job. Normalizes using the CPU factor specified, or the CPU factor of the host or host model specified.

-P project_name

Only displays jobs that belong to the specified project.

-q queue_name

Only displays jobs in the specified queue.

The command bqueues returns a list of queues configured in the system, and information about the configurations of these queues.

In MultiCluster, you cannot specify remote queues.

-sla service_class_name

Displays jobs belonging to the specified service class.

Use bsla to display the properties of service classes configured in LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir/lsb.serviceclasses (see lsb.serviceclasses(5)) and dynamic information about the state of each configured service class.

You cannot use -g with -sla. A job can either be attached to a job group or a service class, but not both.

-u user_name... | -u user_group... | -u all

Only displays jobs that have been submitted by the specified users. The keyword all specifies all users.


Displays unfinished jobs that have triggered a job exception (overrun, underrun, idle). Use with the -l option to show the actual exception status. Use with -a to display all jobs that have triggered a job exception.


Displays information about the specified jobs or job arrays.

If you use -A, specify job array IDs without the index list.


Prints command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.


Pending jobs are displayed in the order in which they will be considered for dispatch. Jobs in higher priority queues are displayed before those in lower priority queues. Pending jobs in the same priority queues are displayed in the order in which they were submitted but this order can be changed by using the commands btop or bbot. If more than one job is dispatched to a host, the jobs on that host are listed in the order in which they will be considered for scheduling on this host by their queue priorities and dispatch times. Finished jobs are displayed in the order in which they were completed.

Default Display

A listing of jobs is displayed with the following fields:


The job ID that LSF assigned to the job.


The user who submitted the job.


The current status of the job (see JOB STATUS below).


The name of the job queue to which the job belongs. If the queue to which the job belongs has been removed from the configuration, the queue name will be displayed as lost_and_found. Use bhist to get the original queue name. Jobs in the lost_and_found queue remain pending until they are switched with the bswitch command into another queue.

In a MultiCluster resource leasing environment, jobs scheduled by the consumer cluster display the remote queue name in the format queue_name@cluster_name. By default, this field truncates at 10 characters, so you might not see the cluster name unless you use -w or -l.


The name of the host from which the job was submitted.

With MultiCluster, if the host is in a remote cluster, the cluster name and remote job ID are appended to the host name, in the format host_name@cluster_name:job_ID. By default, this field truncates at 11 characters; you might not see the cluster name and job ID unless you use -w or -l.


The name of one or more hosts on which the job is executing (this field is empty if the job has not been dispatched). If the host on which the job is running has been removed from the configuration, the host name will be displayed as lost_and_found. Use bhist to get the original host name.

With MultiCluster, if the host is in a remote cluster, the cluster name is appended to the host name, in the format host_name@cluster_name.


The job name assigned by the user, or the command string assigned by default (see bsub (1)). If the job name is too long to fit in this field, then only the latter part of the job name is displayed.


The submission time of the job.

-l output

If the -l option is specified, the resulting long format listing includes the following additional fields:


The project the job was submitted from.


The job command.


The current working directory on the submission host.


The reason the job is in the PEND or PSUSP state. The names of the hosts associated with each reason will be displayed when both -p and -l options are specified.


The reason the job is in the USUSP or SSUSP state.


The load scheduling thresholds for the job.


The load suspending thresholds for the job.


Possible values for the status of a job include:


The job is pending, that is, it has not yet been started.


The job has been suspended, either by its owner or the LSF administrator, while pending.


the job is currently running.


The job has been suspended, either by its owner or the LSF administrator, while running.


The job has been suspended by LSF. The job has been suspended by LSF due to either of the following two causes:


The job has terminated with status of 0.


The job has terminated with a non-zero status - it may have been aborted due to an error in its execution, or killed by its owner or the LSF administrator.

For example, exit code 131 means that the job exceeded a configured resource usage limit and LSF killed the job.


mbatchd has lost contact with the sbatchd on the host on which the job runs.


For jobs submitted to a chunk job queue, members of a chunk job that are waiting to run.


A job will become ZOMBI if:

- A non-rerunnable job is killed by bkill while the sbatchd on the execution host is unreachable and the job is shown as UNKWN.

- The host on which a rerunnable job is running is unavailable and the job has been requeued by LSF with a new job ID, as if the job were submitted as a new job.

After the execution host becomes available, LSF will try to kill the ZOMBI job. Upon successful termination of the ZOMBI job, the job's status will be changed to EXIT.

With MultiCluster, when a job running on a remote execution cluster becomes a ZOMBI job, the execution cluster will treat the job the same way as local ZOMBI jobs. In addition, it notifies the submission cluster that the job is in ZOMBI state and the submission cluster requeues the job.


For the MultiCluster job forwarding model, this information is not shown if MultiCluster resource usage updating is disabled.

The values for the current usage of a job include:

CPU time

Cumulative total CPU time in seconds of all processes in a job.


Job idle information (CPU time/runtime) if JOB_IDLE is configured in the queue, and the job has triggered an idle exception.


Total resident memory usage of all processes in a job, in MB.


Total virtual memory usage of all processes in a job, in MB.


Number of currently active threads of a job.


Currently active process group ID in a job.


Currently active processes in a job.


The hard resource usage limits that are imposed on the jobs in the queue (see getrlimit(2) and lsb.queues(5)). These limits are imposed on a per-job and a per-process basis.

The possible per-job resource usage limits are:







The possible UNIX per-process resource usage limits are:






If a job submitted to the queue has any of these limits specified (see bsub(1)), then the lower of the corresponding job limits and queue limits are used for the job.

If no resource limit is specified, the resource is assumed to be unlimited.


Possible values for the exception status of a job include:


The job is consuming less CPU time than expected. The job idle factor (CPU time/runtime) is less than the configured JOB_IDLE threshold for the queue and a job exception has been triggered.


The job is running longer than the number of minutes specified by the JOB_OVERRUN threshold for the queue and a job exception has been triggered.


The job finished sooner than the number of minutes specified by the JOB_UNDERRUN threshold for the queue and a job exception has been triggered.

Job Array Summary Information

If you use -A, displays summary information about job arrays. The following fields are displayed:


Job ID of the job array.


Array specification in the format of name[index]. The array specification may be truncated, use -w option together with -A to show the full array specification.


Owner of the job array.


Number of jobs in the job array.


Number of pending jobs of the job array.


Number of running jobs of the job array.


Number of successfully completed jobs of the job array.


Number of unsuccessfully completed jobs of the job array.


Number of LSF system suspended jobs of the job array.


Number of user suspended jobs of the job array.


Number of held jobs of the job array.


% bjobs -pl

Displays detailed information about all pending jobs of the invoker.

% bjobs -ps

Display only pending and suspended jobs.

% bjobs -u all -a

Displays all jobs of all users.

% bjobs -d -q short -m hostA -u user1

Displays all the recently finished jobs submitted by user1 to the queue short, and executed on the host hostA.

% bjobs 101 102 203 509

Display jobs with job_ID 101, 102, 203, and 509.

% bjobs -sla Uclulet

Displays all jobs belonging to the service class Uclulet.


bsub(1), bkill(1), bhosts(1), bmgroup(1), bclusters(1), bqueues(1), bhist(1), bresume(1), bsla(1), bstop(1), lsb.params(5), lsb.serviceclasses(5), mbatchd(8)

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      Date Modified: February 24, 2004
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