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displays hosts and their static and dynamic resources


bhosts [-e | -w | -l] [-R "res_req"] [-x] [host_name | host_group] ...

bhosts [-e | -w | -l] [-R "res_req"] [cluster_name]

bhosts [-e -s [shared_resource_name ...]

bhosts [-h | -V]


By default, returns the following information about all hosts: host name, host status, and job state statistics.

Also returns job slot limits.

The -s option displays information about the numeric shared resources and their associated hosts.

With MultiCluster, displays the information about hosts available to the local cluster. Use -e to view information about exported hosts.



MultiCluster only. Displays information about resources that have been exported to another cluster.


Displays host information in wide format. Fields are displayed without truncation.


Displays host information in a (long) multi-line format. In addition to the default fields, displays information about the CPU factor, the current load, and the load thresholds.

Also displays information about the dispatch windows.

If you specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the host control commands hclose or hopen, -l displays the comment text.

-R "res_req"

Only displays information about hosts that satisfy the resource requirement expression. For more information about resource requirements, see lsfintro(1). The size of the resource requirement string is limited to 512 bytes.

LSF supports ordering of resource requirements on all load indices, including external load indices, either static or dynamic.

host_name ... | host_group ...

Only displays information about the specified hosts. Do not use quotes when specifying multiple hosts.

For host groups, the names of the hosts belonging to the group are displayed instead of the name of the host group. Do not use quotes when specifying multiple host groups.


MultiCluster only. Displays information about hosts in the specified cluster.

-s [shared_resource_name ...]

Displays information about the specified shared resources. The resources must have numeric values. Returns the following information: the resource names, the total and reserved amounts, and the resource locations. If no shared resources are specified, displays information about all numeric shared resources.


Display hosts whose job exit rate has exceeded the threshold configured by EXIT_RATE in lsb.hosts for longer than JOB_EXIT_RATE_DURATION configured in lsb.params, and are still high. By default, these hosts will be closed the next time LSF checks host exceptions and invokes eadmin.

Use with the -l option to show detailed information about host exceptions.

If no hosts exceed the job exit rate, bhosts -x displays:

There is no exceptional host found


Prints command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.


Host-Based Default

Displays the following fields:


The name of the host. If a host has batch jobs running and the host is removed from the configuration, the host name will be displayed as lost_and_found.


With MultiCluster, not shown for fully exported hosts.

The current status of the host and the sbatchd daemon. Batch jobs can only be dispatched to hosts with an ok status. The possible values for host status are as follows:


The host is available to accept batch jobs.


The host is down, or LIM and sbatchd on the host are unreachable.


LIM on the host is running but sbatchd is unreachable.


The host is not allowed to accept any remote batch jobs. There are several reasons for the host to be closed (see Host-Based -l Options).


The host does not have a valid LSF license.


With MultiCluster, not shown for fully exported hosts.

The maximum number of job slots that the host can process on a per user basis. If a dash (-) is displayed, there is no limit.

The host will not allocate more than JL/U job slots for one user at the same time. These job slots are used by running jobs, as well as by suspended or pending jobs that have slots reserved for them.

For preemptive scheduling, the accounting is different. These job slots are used by running jobs and by pending jobs that have slots reserved for them (see the description of PREEMPTIVE in lsb.queues(5) and JL/U in lsb.hosts(5)).


The maximum number of job slots available. If a dash (-) is displayed, there is no limit.

These job slots are used by running jobs, as well as by suspended or pending jobs that have slots reserved for them.

If preemptive scheduling is used, suspended jobs are not counted (see the description of PREEMPTIVE in lsb.queues(5) and MXJ in lsb.hosts(5)).

A host does not always have to allocate this many job slots if there are waiting jobs; the host must also satisfy its configured load conditions to accept more jobs.


The number of job slots used by jobs dispatched to the host. This includes running and suspended jobs.

Also includes chunk jobs.


The number of job slots used by jobs running on the host.


The number of job slots used by system suspended jobs on the host.


The number of job slots used by user suspended jobs on the host. Jobs can be suspended by the user or by the LSF administrator.


The number of job slots used by pending jobs that have jobs slots reserved on the host.

Host-Based -l Option

In addition to the above fields, the -l option also displays the following:

loadSched, loadStop

The scheduling and suspending thresholds for the host. If a threshold is not defined, the threshold from the queue definition applies. If both the host and the queue define a threshold for a load index, the most restrictive threshold is used.

The migration threshold is the time that a job dispatched to this host can remain suspended by the system before LSF attempts to migrate the job to another host.

If the host's operating system supports checkpoint copy, this is indicated here. With checkpoint copy, the operating system automatically copies all open files to the checkpoint directory when a process is checkpointed. Checkpoint copy is currently supported only on Cray systems.


The long format shown by the -l option gives the possible reasons for a host to be closed:


The host is closed by the LSF administrator or root (see badmin(8)). No job can be dispatched to the host, but jobs that are executing on the host will not be affected.


The host is locked by the LSF administrator or root (see lsadmin(8)). All batch jobs on the host are suspended by LSF.


The host is closed by its dispatch windows, which are defined in the configuration file lsb.hosts(5). Jobs already started are not affected by the dispatch windows.


The configured maximum number of batch job slots on the host has been reached (see MAX field below).


The host is currently running an exclusive job.


The host is overloaded, because some load indices go beyond the configured thresholds (see lsb.hosts(5)). The displayed thresholds that cause the host to be busy are preceded by an asterisk (*).


LIM on the host is unreachable, but sbatchd is ok.


Displays the CPU normalization factor of the host (see lshosts(1)).


Displays the dispatch windows for each host. Dispatch windows are the time windows during the week when batch jobs can be run on each host. Jobs already started are not affected by the dispatch windows. When the dispatch windows close, jobs are not suspended. Jobs already running continue to run, but no new jobs are started until the windows reopen. The default for the dispatch window is no restriction or always open (that is, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week). For the dispatch window specification, see the description for the DISPATCH_WINDOWS keyword under the -l option in bqueues(1).


Displays the total and reserved host load.


You specify reserved resources by using bsub -R (see lsfintro(1)). These resources are reserved by jobs running on the host.


The total load has different meanings depending on whether the load index is increasing or decreasing.

For increasing load indices, such as run queue lengths, CPU utilization, paging activity, logins, and disk I/O, the total load is the consumed plus the reserved amount. The total load is calculated as the sum of the current load and the reserved load. The current load is the load seen by lsload(1).

For decreasing load indices, such as available memory, idle time, available swap space, and available space in tmp, the total load is the available amount. The total load is the difference between the current load and the reserved load. This difference is the available resource as seen by lsload(1).


Displays the scheduling threshold loadSched and the suspending threshold loadStop. Also displays the migration threshold if defined and the checkpoint support if the host supports checkpointing.

The format for the thresholds is the same as for batch job queues (see bqueues(1)) and lsb.queues(5)). For an explanation of the thresholds and load indices, see the description for the "QUEUE SCHEDULING PARAMETERS" keyword under the -l option in bqueues(1).


Displays the configured threshold of EXIT_RATE for the host and its current load value for host exceptions.


If the LSF administrator specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the badmin host control commands hclose or hopen, the comment text is displayed.

Resource-Based -s Option

The -s option displays the following: the amounts used for scheduling, the amounts reserved, and the associated hosts for the shared resources. Only shared resources with numeric values are displayed. See lim(8), and lsf.cluster(5) on how to configure shared resources.

The following fields are displayed:


The name of the resource.


The value of the shared resource used for scheduling. This is the sum of the current and the reserved load for the shared resource.


The amount reserved by jobs. You specify the reserved resource using bsub -R (see lsfintro(1)).


The hosts that are associated with the shared resource.


Reads lsb.hosts.


lsb.hosts(5), bqueues(1), lsfintro(1), lshosts(1), badmin(8), lsadmin(8)

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      Date Modified: February 24, 2004
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