Brief documentation on raw data formats  used  by  RCPM

Your raw data may have two different formats: a special binary format  that has been developed at the IBK and an ASCII format. In both cases RCPM will only run, if the name of the raw data starts with date and time section like:
Apart from a maximum length (256 characters, incl. path) the rest doesn't matter very much for the programme but should be used in a reasonable manner.
As an example:  20050226_1115_Franks_Birthday.dat.
Beyond that you may only use uo to a maximum of 32 variables in the raw data.

raw data format

Here, I do only describe the ASCII format. This is an example.

# x,y,z,t,

-2.24 ,-0.08 ,-0.01 ,25.05 ,
-2.13 ,0.01 ,-0.03 ,24.98 ,
-2.12 ,0.16 ,0 ,25.07 ,
-2.2 ,0.06 ,-0.03 ,24.98 ,

All entries are generally  comma separated. The first record contains header information. The variable names in the header are important to let RCPM know, what is what.
Despite all freedom how to name the variables, the first 4 variables are always the x, y ,z components and the sonic temperature. All the other variables can  be used  to produce the typical statistical output.

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  © Andreas Ibrom

Author Andreas Ibrom Date: 26.02.2005

Risø National Laboratory
BIO-ECO Byg. 309
Frederiksborgvej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde