Brief documentation of RCPM installation and configuration


RCPM comes as a zip archive that contains a fully operational working directory.
To install RCPM you have just to extract the whole content of the zip-file to an arbitrary working directory (RCPMWD).

  drwx------+   4 anib     Domain U        0 Nov 10 13:49 cfg
  drwx------+   2 anib     Domain U        0 Nov 10 13:49 src
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U   106496 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm.exe
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U      970 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_Bariri.cfg
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U     1012 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_SollingF1.cfg
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U     1005 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_SoroeEuroflux.cfg

rcpm.exe is the executable file. The other files in RCPMWD are configuration files for specific application runs.

There are two sub-directories in the subdirectory cfg:
  drwx------+   8 anib     Domain U        0 Nov 10 13:49 rcpm
  drwx------+   5 anib     Domain U        0 Nov 10 13:49 runs
A typical directory  with user defined configuration contains  5 files, e.g.:
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U      292 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_GeneralProgrammeControl.cfg
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U      421 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_SollingF1_Despiking.cfg
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U     2139 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_SollingF1_FastSensorsList.cfg
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U      803 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_SollingF1_FindSteps.cfg
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U      584 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_SollingF1_SiteInfo.cfg
+ a file that would be like
  -rwx------+   1 anib     Domain U     2139 Nov 10 13:43 rcpm_SollingF1_Filtered_SensorsList.cfg

These will be further described in the following section.


Before we go into details on the content of the files, the following syntax  is worth to be noted.

syntax of the configuration files

The routines for reading the configurations and thereby the syntax have been developed by Dirk Gros (1997).  There is always a first column that has no other function as leaving space for important information, it is not considered at all by RCPM. The following  lines contain the configuration information between two delimiters (e.g. ':' or '|'). Which delimiter is to be used is hard coded in the read routine and may not be changed. So you need to follow exactly the examples given with the programme. However everything what happens outside the two delimiters is being ignored by the programme. The maximal length of  a record in a configuration  file is  512 characters.

# FIRST RECORD FREE EDITABLE BECAUSE NOT USED BY THE PROGRAMME, e.g. File for ...   the delimiter is '|'.
third Record  ......   |777|

Do you know which is the information used by RCPM?  It is dir /s /b, 777, and  9.56212343.
The sequence of the records is also hard coded and must therefore be identical with the example files. With only very few exceptions there is no check, whether the contents in the files is reasonable.

Configuration file for files and folders (FiFo.cfg)

# rcpm configuration file for Lonzee. The delimiter is '|'
path where to find cfg file                              |W:\rcpm\cfg\runs\Lonzee\|
path from where the raw data archives are copied         |W:\data\raw\Lonzee\2006\06\|
path to which the new raw data are written (optional)    |W:\data\rcpm_output\Lonzee\BA\raw\|
path to which the statistical data are written           |W:\data\rcpm_output\Lonzee\BA\stat\|
path to which the spectra are written                    |W:\data\rcpm_output\Lonzee\BA\spectra\2006\06\|
name of the fast sensor configuration file               |rcpm_Lonzee_FastSensorsList.cfg|
name of the filtered sensor configuration file           |rcpm_generic_FilteredSensorsList.cfg|
name of the Site information configuration file          |rcpm_Lonzee_SiteInfo_BA.cfg|
name of the general programme control file               |rcpm_GeneralProgrammeControl_BA.cfg|
name of the despiking control file                       |rcpm_generic_Despiking.cfg|
name of the FindSteps control file                       |rcpm_generic_FindSteps.cfg|

Delimiter is '|', the explanations are given above.

Fast sensor's list file

/*FastSensorsNames.cfg_Syntax: begin with x y z t the sequence may differ from the sequence in the raw data )*/
number of fast sensors                                   : 6:
name of x (case sensitive)                               :x:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:no lag
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  : 0:no lag
 default lag time                     (int, in samples)  : 0:no default
 LowPassFilterConstant (0<=const<=1)  (float)            : 0:
name of y                                                :y:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  : 0:
 default lag time                     (int, in samples)  : 0:
 LowPassFilterConstant (0<=const<=1)  (float)            : 0:
name of z                                                :z:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  : 0:
 default lag time                     (int, in samples)  : 0:
 LowPassFilterConstant (0<=const<=1)  (float)            : 0:
name of t                                                :Ts:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  : 20:
 default lag time                     (int, in samples)  : 0:
 LowPassFilterConstant (0<=const<=1)  (float)            : 0.0:
name of CO2                                              :CO2:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0 :lag is being accepted
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :100:between 60 and 140 samples
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      :0:
 LowPassFilterConstant                (float)            :0.0:
name of H2O                                              :H2O:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  :0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :200:
 default lag time                     (int, in samples)  :0:
 LowPassFilterConstant                     (float)       :0.0:
This file allows you a little more flexibility as the read routine is itself configured by the first numerical entry (=second row) in the file (hier it's '6'). It is interpreted such that the five records sequence (name, window Start, window End, default time lag LowPassFilterConstant) will be read for 6 times.  As noted in the first record RCPM expects always the first entries to regard to the channels of the sonic anemometer. The names of the fast sensors must match exactly (case sensitive) the ones provided in the header of the raw data file. It is however not necessary to include all fast sensors in the post-processing. The variable names will later be used to form the headers of the RCPM output.  The numerical parameters following the variable name are only relevant for such eddy correlation systems that suffer for whichever reason, e.g. long tubes, from low pass filtering. The correction can be switched off by entering 0 for the low pass filter constant. The file rcpm_Soroe_FastSensorsList.cfg gives an example where the low pass filter correction is used.

Filtered sensor's list file

/*FastSensorsNames.cfg_Syntax: begin with x y z t the sequence may differ from the sequence in the raw data )*/
number of fileterd sensors                               :9:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0004:
 cut off frequency                                       :0.004:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :250:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      :60:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0008:
 cut off frequency                                       :0.008:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :150:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      :48:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0016:
 cut off frequency                                       :0.016:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :100:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      :29:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0032:
cut off frequency                                        :0.032:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :75:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      :29:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0065:
cut off frequency                                        :0.065:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :50:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      :18:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0133:
cut off frequency                                        :0.133:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :50:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      :10:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0277:
cut off frequency                                        :0.277:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :50:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      : 7:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t0614:
cut off frequency                                        :0.614:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :20:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      : 5:
name of unfiltered sensor                                :Ts:
name of   filtered sensor                                :t1626:
cut off frequency                                        :1.626:
 window of time lag estimation starts (int, in samples)  : 0:
 window of time lag estimation ends   (int, in samples)  :10:
 default lag time                     (int,samples)      : 2:

This configuration file allows you to generate new variables from measured data (e.g. T), by filtering them with an autoregressive filter with a given cut-off frequecy. These data are helpful to empirically investigate the relationship beteen low-pass filtering correction factor and cut-off frequency, windspeed and stratification (see. Ibrom, A., E. Dellwik, N.O. Jensen, H. Flyvbjerg and K. Pilegaard. 2007. Strong low-pass filtering effects on water vapour flux measurements with closed-path eddy correlation systems. Agric. For. Meteorol. 147:140 -156. equation 9 and figures 5 and 6).

Passing site specific information to the programme

# Solling site ID for rcpm. The delimiter is '|'.
Sonic type (1-4)                                                    |3|
which usat correction (0: none 1:IR 2:WK 3:IS)                      |0|
Sonic orientation (upward = 1 upside down = -1)                     |-1|
Sonic coordinate system (right  handed = 1 left handed = -1)        |-1|
measurement height (z-d in m (float)                                |15.0|
sampling frequency (Hz)                                             |10|
averaging intervall (s)                                             |1800|
raw data file extension (without dot <=8 charcters )                |e32|
raw data format (e32=1 Risoe ASCII=2)                               |1|
name (no extension) of the statsitical output file                  |SollingF1Debug|
minimum number of observations in a file                            |9000|

It is crucial to be sure to have entered the right number in the second record, which lets RCPM identify the sonic type. The currently considered sonic types are:
  1. Meteks USAT-3
  2. Meteks USAT-3 with a USA-1 sensor head
  3. Meteks USA-1
  4. Solent R2
In the 3. record you specify, if you want to apply a correction to the USATs. This is only valid for METEK sonics and the automatic sensor heat correction must be switched of during the measurements. I use IS for the USA-1. This methods still has to be published. If using a Gill set this correction to 0. However the so-called angle of attack correction will be aplied anyway. The 4. record is meant for those keen researchers, who decided to use their sonic in the upside-down mode. All sonics (Gill and USats) have a left handed coordinate system (record 5) . 
The measuremement height is used for the normalistaion of spectra.
The extension of the raw data is used to identify raw data files in the file lists (see below). There is no way to run RCPM with a wrong raw data format. You will soon be sure after starting the programme as if to whether having entered a wrong value in record 9. 
To organise the statsitical RCPM output  to similar looking files you enter a  run specific name  in record  10.
The minimum requirement for observations in a raw data file is to be entered to record No 11. It makes RCPM reject too small raw data files. If the number of observations gets smaller  than the various window sizes in the  spike and step finding routines RCPM will crash hoplessly.

General programme control file

Whatever name you will give to the file it must contain three entries, e.g.:

# general programme control for rcpm. The delimiter is '|'.
command to generate a directory listing                                                |dir /s /b|
want fast data output after any step of post-processing? yes=1 no=0                    |1|
want spectral output? yes=1 no=0                                                       |1|
want linear detrend? yes=1 no=0  > 1 use number as time constant for recursive filter  |1|

Configuration of the despiking routine

# de-spiking control for rcpm. The delimiter is '|'.
generate a file out put (yes=1 no=0)                                |0|
window size in samples  (e.g.200, int)                              |200|
maxlength of a spike (int)                                          |4|
threshold as manifolds (float) of local standard deviations         |4|
number of steps (int)for segmented_standard_deviation               |6|

In order to get rid of outliers RCPM contains a despiking routine, that is based on a comparison of  the difference of two neighbouring values with a local standard deviation.  You can tune this routine to your needs by installing a certain window and threshold factor. The maximum length of a spike is also given in the 4th record.  If the difference between the two neighbours does still persist being  too high, such occurrence will be counted as a 'drop', which is not very much different from a 'step' (see below).  At the moment this routine has still to be tested. As mentioned above the output of the raw data after despiking can be a valuable tool to find the right parameter value combination. The parameter to entered in the last record is the length of a moving window in which the standard deviation is being calculated (so-called LP_sdev).  This feature allows you to filter out high frequency variance in the time series and to compare the low pass filtered standard deviation with the un-filtered one.

Configuration of the step find algorithm

 de-spiking control for rcpm. The delimiter is '|'.
generate a file output (yes=1 no=0)                                 |0|
smooth window size in samples  (e.g.200, int)                       |10|
window size in samples  (e.g.200, int)                              |400|
threshold as manifolds (float) of local standard deviations         |4.0|
absolute threshold sensor 0 (x)(same as in FastSensorsList)         |5.0|
absolute threshold sensor 1 (y)(same as in FastSensorsList)         |5.0|
absolute threshold sensor 2 (z)(same as in FastSensorsList)         |5.0|
absolute threshold sensor 3 (Ts)(same as in FastSensorsList)        |5.0|
absolute threshold sensor 4 (CO2)(same as in FastSensorsList)       |0.15|
absolute threshold sensor 5 (H2O)(same as in FastSensorsList)       |50.0|

The step find algorithm bases on the comparison of the difference between two moving averages that are calculated from two neighbouring data windows (of SmoothWindow size) that are moving through the raw data array. It is the intention that a step will cause a  large pulse in this difference  and can therefore be easily detected by the despiking algorithm, which in turn uses the given parameters window and threshold factor in the same maner as above described. This feature is in particular important, when using an open path sensor during rain. The find step algorithm provides also the feature to search for absolute steps, which are configured for each channel individually. The algorithm is in a beta testing phase.

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  © Andreas Ibrom

Author Andreas Ibrom Date: 11.06.2008

Risø National Laboratory
BIO-ECO Byg. 309
Frederiksborgvej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde