Seminar für Englische Philologie
Universität Göttingen


WS 07/08
Do 10-12, Medienraum
Oliver M. Traxel


Here you find the suggested course schedule for this semester (some minor variation may occur).

Session Date Topic
1. 18.10. Homepage, Schedule, Distribution of Presentations
2. 25.10. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (BBC)
3. 1.11. York: a Case Study
4. 8.11. Fairs & Re-Enactments
5. 15.11. Music
6. 22.11. King Arthur
7. 29.11. Robin Hood
8. 6.12. Games
9. 13.12. Movies
10. 20.12. Documentaries
11. 10.1. Historical Novels
12. 17.1. J. R. R. Tolkien
13. 24.1. Anglo-Saxonism
14. 31.1. Discussion of Course Work

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