Institut für Englische Philologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


Oliver M. Traxel

SS 12
Tu 16-18

Room: 205


Here is a selective bibliography containing some base texts for the presentations. You will have to research for more. The numbers are those of the corresponding session.


1. General Medievalism

Cantor, N. F., Inventing the Middle Ages (New York, 1991)

Fugelso, K., ed., Defining Neo-Medievalism(s), Studies in Medievalism 19 (Cambridge, 2010)

Fugelso, K., ed., Defining Neo-Medievalism(s) II, Studies in Medievalism 20 (Cambridge, 2011)

Gentrup, W. F., ed., Reinventing the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Constructions of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods (Turnhout, 1998)

Johnston, A. J., and U. Berns, ed., Medievalism: A Special Issue of the European Journal of English Studies 15.2 (London, 2011)

Robinson, C. L., and P. Clements, ed., Neo-Medievalism in the Media: Essays on Film, Television, and Electronic Games (Lewiston, NY, 2012)

Rohr, C., ed., Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur (Vienna, 2011)

Marshall, D. W., ed., Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture (Jefferson, NC, 2007)

Simons, J., ed., From Medieval to Medievalism (New York, 1992)

Simmons, C. A., ed., Medievalism and the Quest for the "Real" Middle Ages (London, 2001)

Medievalism: an Introductory Bibliography

Medievalism and Literature: an Annotated Bibliography of Critical Studies

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2. BBC Canterbury Tales

Forni, K., 'Popular Chaucer: the BBC's Canterbury Tales', Parergon 25:1 (2008), 171-89

Harty, K. J., 'Chaucer for a New Millenium: the BBC Canterbury Tales', in Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture, ed. D. W. Marshall (Jefferson, NC, 2007), pp. 13-27

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3. King Arthur

Fulton, H., ed., A Companion to Arthurian Literature (Oxford, 2009)

Goodman, J. R., The Legend of Arthur in British and American Literature (Boston, MA, 1988)

Sklar, E. S., and D. L. Hoffman, ed., King Arthur in Popular Culture (Jefferson, NC, 2002)

Slocum, S. K., Popular Arthurian Traditions (Bowling Green, OH, 1992)

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4. Robin Hood

Ernst, M., 'Merry Men in Sherwood: Mittelalterrezeption und Mittelalterparodie in der Fernsehserie "Robin Hood" (2006-2009)', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 145-158

Fichtner, S., 'Robin Hood: Eine alte Legende in modernen Verfilmungen', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 129-144

Hahn, T., ed., Robin Hood in Popular Culture: Violence, Transgression, and Justice (Cambridge, 2000)

Hayes, W., The Birth of Popular Culture: Ben Jonson, Maid Marian and Robin Hood (Pittsburgh, PA, 1992)

Knight, S., ed., Robin Hood: An Anthology of Scholarship and Criticism (Cambridge, 1999)

Singman, J. L., Robin Hood: the Shaping of a Legend, Contributions to the Study of World Literature 92 (Westport, CT, 1998)

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5. Movies

Aberth, J., A Knight at the Movies: Medieval History on Film (New York, 2003)

Bonet, M., and J. Style, 'Utopia and the Middle Ages in Popular Culture: A Reading of Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven"', Spaces of Utopia: An Electronic Journal 5 (Summer 2007), 55-93 - available here

D'Arcens, L., 'Deconstruction and the Medieval Indefinite Article: The Undecidable Medievalism of Brian Helgeland's "A Knight's Tale"', Parergorn 25:2 (2008), 80-98

Enzinger, K., '"Braveheart" zwischen Kunst und Historiografie', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 171-184

Finke, L., and M. B. Shichtman, Cinematic Illuminations: the Middle Ages on Film (Baltimore, MD, 2009)

Harty, K. J., The Reel Middle Ages: American, Western and Eastern European, Middle Eastern and Asian Films about Medieval Europe (Jefferson, NC, 1999)

Haydock, N., Movie Medievalism: the Imaginary Middle Ages (Jefferson, NC, 2008)

Kelly, A. K., 'Beyond Historical Accuracy: a Postmodern View of Movies and Medievalism', Perspicuitas (6 Feb 2004) - available here

Sauer, H., and U. Lenker, 'Das englische Mittelalter im Film: Perspektiven und Probleme - ein Bericht', in: Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Mediävistik: Standpunkte - Perspektiven - Neue Wege, ed. G. Knappe (Frankfurt, 2005), pp. 95-117; revised English version 'Teaching the English Middle Ages on Film: Possibilitites, Problems, Perspectives', in Medievalisms: The Poetics of Literary Re-Reading, ed. L. Sikorska (Frankfurt, 2008), pp. 147-157

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6. Language

Bryant, B. L., et al., Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog: Medieval Studies and New Media (New York, 2010)

Görlach, M., Mac ond Mauris in Old English Rhymed and Alliterative Verse, Old English Newsletter Subsidia 19 (Kalamazoo, MI, 1992)

Görlach, M., The gestes of Mak and Morris (Heidelberg, 1981)

Hoffmann, H., Be Siwarde þam sidfeaxan: Myrge mæþelword ge lustbære licnessa, transl. into Old English by F. Kemmler (Neckarsteinach, 2010)

Hoffmann, H., Piers Dischevele: Myrie tales and gladde ymages, transl. into Middle English by W. Sauer (Neckarsteinach, 2010)

Saint-Exupéry, A. de, Be þam lytlan æþelinge, transl. into Old English by F. Kemmler (Neckarsteinach, 2010)

Saint-Exupéry, A. de, The litel prynce, transl. into Middle English by W. Sauer (Neckarsteinach, 2008)

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7. Historical Novels

Allaire, G., Modern Retellings of Chivalric Texts (Aldershot, 1999)

Barnhouse, R., Recasting the Past: the Middle Ages in Young Adult Literature (Portsmouth, NH, 2000)

Dannbauer, J., 'Brutale Mittelalterinszenierung als Bestsellergarantie in Ken Folletts Roman "Die Säulen der Erde"', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 61-72

Jacobs, L., 'Idealised Images of Wales in the Fiction of Edith Pargeter/Ellis Peters', in Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture, ed. D. W. Marshall (Jefferson, NC, 2007), pp. 90-101 Database of novels in a medieval setting

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8. J. R. R. Tolkien

Booker, C. M., 'Byte-Sized Middle Ages: Tolkien, Film, and the Digital Imagination', Comitatus: a Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 35 (2004), 145-74 - available here

Chance, J., and D. D. Day, 'Medievalism in Tolkien: Two Decades of Criticism in Review', in German Medievalism, ed. L. J. Workman, J. Chance and F. G. Gentry, Studies in Medievalism 3:3-4 (Cambridge, 1991), pp. 375-387

Chance, J., ed., Tolkien the Medievalist, Routledge Studies in Medieval Religion and Culture 3 (London and New York, 2003)

Lee, S., and E. Solopova, ed., The Keys of Middle Earth: Discovering Medieval Literature through the Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien (Houndmills and New York, 2005)

Mak, S., 'Mittelalter in Mittelerde: "Der Herr der Ringe" im Film', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 211-224

Shippey, T., Roots and Branches: Selected Papers on Tolkien, Cormarë Series 11 (Zurich and Berne, 2007)

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9. Music

Adamaschek, P., Re-Soundings of the Past: Medieval Stereotypes in Modern Popular Music (unpublished MA thesis, Göttingen, 2009) - available by kind permission of author from me

Althuber, F., 'Beruf Mittelaltermusiker', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 303-314

Knighton, T., and D. Fallows, ed., Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music (Oxford, 1997)

Trafford, S., and A. Pluskowski, 'Antichrist Superstars: the Vikings in Hardrock and Heavy Metal', in Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture, ed. D. W. Marshall (Jefferson, NC, 2007), pp. 57-73

various magazines:

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10. Games

Fugelso, K., and C. L. Robinson, ed., Medievalism in Technology Old and New, Studies in Medievalism 16 (Cambridge, 2008)

Heinze, C., Mittelalter Computer Spiele: Zur Darstellung und Modellierung von Geschichte im populären Computerspiel (Bielefeld, 2012)

Karrer, S., 'Tausche Weizen gegen Lehm: Die Rezeption des Mittelalters in der deutschsprachigen Brettspielwelt', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 237-250

Kline, D. T., 'Virtually Medieval: The Age of Kings Interprets the Middle Ages', in Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture, ed. D. W. Marshall (Jefferson, NC, 2007), pp. 154-170

Marshall, D. W., 'A World unto Itself: Autopoietic Systems and Secondary Worlds in Dungeons & Dragons', in Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture, ed. D. W. Marshall (Jefferson, NC, 2007), pp. 171-185

Schwarzwald, F., 'Mord, Pest und Verrat: Das Mittelalter in Computerspielen', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 251-262

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11. Fairs & Re-Enactments

Embleton, G., and J. Howe, The Medieval Soldier: 15th Century Campaign Life Recreated in Colour Photographs (London, 1994)

Lehner, E., 'Ein Fest dem Mittelalter: Was Menschen an Mittelalterfesten fasziniert', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 291-302

Hauser, P., 'Die Angebotspalette auf Mittelaltermärkten: Ein Spiegelbild der Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultuer?', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 325-332

Hirsch, P., 'Schaukämpfe, Freikämpfe, Fechtkämpfe: Die Faszination mittelalterlicher Kampfdarstellungen', in Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig?: Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur, ed. C. Rohr (Vienna, 2011), pp. 315-324

Lenehan, C. J., Postmodern Medievalism: A Sociological Study of the Society for Creative Anachronism (unpublished BA thesis, Hobart, 1994) - available here

Szamborski, F., Bringing the Past to Life - An Attempt to Invent Traditions? A First Approach to Motivations for Re-Enactment of the Middle Ages (unpublished seminar work, Göttingen, 2008) - available by kind permission of author from me

Skirmish: Living History Magazine

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