Institut für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Technische Universität Darmstadt


Oliver M. Traxel

SS 12
Th 9:50-11:20

Room: S103/113


Here you find the suggested course schedule for this semester. Some minor variation may occur. Please read the relevant chapters in the textbook Elly van Gelderen, A History of the English Language (Amsterdam, 2006) before each session. In addition, each student is obliged to give a presentation (there will be groups of approximately two).

Session Date Topic Presentations
1. 12.4. Introduction; Distribution of Presentations  
2. 19.4. ch. 3: Indo-European and Germanic Matthias Bugge, Judith Gröblinghoff
3. 26.4. ch. 4: Old English: Orthography, Phonology Nazli Bay, Lisa Höfling
4. 3.5. ch. 4: Old English: Morphology, Syntax Frederike Klöser, Daniela Langbein
5. 10.5. chs. 4-5: Old English: Vocabulary, Dialects Liliya Nankova, Inga Weiss
  17.5. Ascension Thursday, no class  
6. 24.5. ch. 6: Middle English: Orthography, Phonology, Morphology Perarthana Deivendran, Neda Kohshekan, Shelpi Mehra
7. 31.5. chs. 5-6: Middle English: Syntax, Vocabulary, Dialects Caroline Iliadi, Andreas Radsziwill
  7.6. Corpus Christi, no class  
8. 14.6. ch. 7: Early Modern English: Orthography, Phonology, Morphology Eike Janssen, Liu Zheng
9. 21.6. cancelled, no class  
10. 28.6. ch. 7: Early Modern English: Syntax, Vocabulary Kateryna Andryushchenko
11. 5.7. ch. 8: Modern English;
ch. 9: World English
Silvana Conrad, Max Klewno;
Edda Darup, Jacqueline Hugo
12. 12.7. ch. 10: Theories and Methods;
Discussion of Course Work
Anabell Anton, Nicola Herrlitz

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