How to cite Zoographia Germaniae

If you use Zoographia Germaniae to obtain information for your research, your work or your publications, then please give proper credit to the source.

1) The entire Web site should be cited as follows:

Prpic-Schäper NM (active year). Zoographia Germaniae. Online publication currently at Accessed on dd/mm/yyyy.

Active year: because Zoographia Germaniae is constantly updated and further improved, please give the current year when you cite the entire Web site.

2) Single pages of of the Web site (e.g. for a certain species) should be cited as follows:

Prpic-Schäper NM (year of last update). Taxon name. In: Zoographia Germaniae. Online publication currently at Accessed on dd/mm/yyyy.

Year of last update: please use the year of the last update as the publication year. The last update can be found at the bottom of each page of this Web site.

3) Issues of the "Hefte zur Tierwelt Deutschlands" should be cited as follows:

Prpic-Schäper NM (year of publication). Title of issue. Hefte zur Tierwelt Deutschlands Issue number, page range.

Example: Prpic-Schäper NM (2010). Die Florfliegenwespen Deutschlands (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Heloridae). Hefte zur Tierwelt Deutschlands 1, 1-21.

This page has been updated on March 18, 2016
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic-Schäper. All rights reserved.