Demonstrates how to run GroIMP headless to render only the actual saved scene.

DATE: 19.06.2009

AUTHOR: M. Henke


The command line to run GroIMP headless is:

java -cp BASE/XL-Core/build:BASE/Utilities/build:BASE/Graph/build:BASE/Platform-Core/build -Xmx1000m -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=USERDIR --project-tree --headless --debug=INFO -Xraytracerseed=SEED -- -cmd "/cmdline/render=MODEL.gsz SIZE OUTFILE" 2> ~/render_out.txt

where you have to insert for

BASE ... the GroIMP path
SEED ... random seed for the raytracer
USERDIR ... your root directory
MODEL ... the name of the model you want to start
SIZE ... size of the image e.g. "800x600", "1200x900"
OUTFILE ... name of the output file

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