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Das Department

Das Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften der Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen gliedert sich in 13 Abteilungen. Zum Aufgabengebiet Agrikulturchemie zählen die Abteilung Pflanzenernährung und Ertragsphysiologie und die Abteilung Qualität pflanzlicher Produkte sowie deren zentrale Dienste (Verwaltung, Versuchswesen, EDV).

Abteilung Qualität pflanzlicher Erzeugnisse
Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter

Dr. agr. Condro Wibowo
Ehemaliger Doktorand
Studies on Potato Tubers Quality Regarding the Potential for Chips Production

Nowadays, the utilization of potatoes is shifting away from table consumption to processed products. French fries and chips are the preferred products in the world, where tubers with a high content of dry matter and low concentration of reducing sugars are preferable raw materials in order to produce the desired texture and light yellow color.
Although Indonesia’s traditional food system is rice based, in recent years, the country requires a large quantity of frozen potatoes to meet demands. The high demand for processing tubers cannot be fulfilled by local producers because approximately 90% of total cultivated area in Indonesia produces tubers for table purposes only. Therefore, the study of potato tubers quality is required to examine the suitability of new cultivars for processing purposes. Moreover, applied fertilizers during cultivation and additional treatments during processing also play important role on determining the quality of produced products.
This study aims to examine the suitability of new Indonesian potato cultivars for chips production and to investigate the effect of potassium fertilization and ultrasonication treatment on improving the quality of potato tubers and produced chips.


 Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften
