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The lsf.shared file contains common definitions that are shared by all load sharing clusters defined by lsf.cluster.cluster_name files. This includes lists of cluster names, host types, host models, the special resources available, and external load indices.

This file is installed by default in the directory defined by LSF_CONFDIR.


[ Top ]

Cluster Section

(Required) Lists the cluster names recognized by the LSF system

Cluster section structure

The first line must contain the mandatory keyword ClusterName. The other keyword is optional.

The first line must contain the mandatory keyword ClusterName and the keyword Servers in a MultiCluster environment.

Each subsequent line defines one cluster.

Example Cluster section

Begin Cluster
ClusterName  Servers
cluster1     hostA
cluster2     hostB
End Cluster


Defines all cluster names recognized by the LSF system.

All cluster names referenced anywhere in the LSF system must be defined here. The file names of cluster-specific configuration files must end with the associated cluster name.

By default, if MultiCluster is installed, all clusters listed in this section participate in the same MultiCluster environment. However, individual clusters can restrict their MultiCluster participation by specifying a subset of clusters at the cluster level (lsf.cluster.cluster_name RemoteClusters section).


MultiCluster only. List of hosts in this cluster that LIMs in remote clusters can connect to and obtain information from.

For other clusters to work with this cluster, one of these hosts must be running mbatchd.

[ Top ]

HostType Section

(Required) Lists the valid host types in the cluster. All hosts that can run the same binary executable are in the same host type.

HostType section structure

The first line consists of the mandatory keyword TYPENAME.

Subsequent lines name valid host types.

Example HostType section

Begin HostType
End HostType


Host type names are usually based on a combination of the hardware name and operating system. If your site already has a system for naming host types, you can use the same names for LSF.

[ Top ]

HostModel Section

(Required) Lists models of machines and gives the relative CPU scaling factor for each model. All hosts of the same relative speed are assigned the same host model.

LSF uses the relative CPU scaling factor to normalize the CPU load indices so that jobs are more likely to be sent to faster hosts. The CPU factor affects the calculation of job execution time limits and accounting. Using large or inaccurate values for the CPU factor can cause confusing results when CPU time limits or accounting are used.

HostModel section structure

The first line consists of the mandatory keywords MODELNAME, CPUFACTOR, and ARCHITECTURE.

Subsequent lines define a model and its CPU factor.

Example HostModel section

Begin HostModel
PC400        13.0        (i86pc_400 i686_400)
PC450        13.2        (i86pc_450 i686_450)
Sparc5F       3.0        (SUNWSPARCstation5_170_sparc)
Sparc20       4.7        (SUNWSPARCstation20_151_sparc)
Ultra5S      10.3        (SUNWUltra5_270_sparcv9 SUNWUltra510_270_sparcv9)
End HostModel



(Reserved for system use only) Indicates automatically detected host models that correspond to the model names.



Though it is not required, you would typically assign a CPU factor of 1.0 to the slowest machine model in your system and higher numbers for the others. For example, for a machine model that executes at twice the speed of your slowest model, a factor of 2.0 should be assigned.



Generally, you need to identify the distinct host types in your system, such as MIPS and SPARC first, and then the machine models within each, such as SparcIPC, Sparc1, Sparc2, and Sparc10.

About automatically detected host models and types

When you first install LSF, you do not necessarily need to assign models and types to hosts in lsf.cluster.cluster_name. If you do not assign models and types to hosts in lsf.cluster.cluster_name, LIM automatically detects the model and type for the host.

If you have versions earlier than LSF 4.0, you may have host models and types already assigned to hosts. You can take advantage of automatic detection of host model and type also.

Automatic detection of host model and type is useful because you no longer need to make changes in the configuration files when you upgrade the operating system or hardware of a host and reconfigure the cluster. LSF will automatically detect the change.

Mapping to CPU factors

Automatically detected models are mapped to the short model names in lsf.shared in the ARCHITECTURE column. Model strings in the ARCHITECTURE column are only used for mapping to the short model names.

Example lsf.shared file:

Begin HostModel
SparcU5     5.0           (SUNWUltra510_270_sparcv9)
PC486       2.0           (i486_33 i486_66)
PowerPC     3.0           (PowerPC12 PowerPC16 PowerPC31)
End HostModel

If an automatically detected host model cannot be matched with the short model name, it is matched to the best partial match and a warning message is generated.

If a host model cannot be detected or is not supported, it is assigned the DEFAULT model name and an error message is generated.

Naming convention

Models that are automatically detected are named according to the following convention:

hardware_platform [_processor_speed[_processor_type]]


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Resource Section

Optional. Defines resources (must be done by the LSF administrator).

Resource section structure

The first line consists of the keywords. RESOURCENAME and DESCRIPTION are mandatory. The other keywords are optional. Subsequent lines define resources.

Example Resource section

Begin Resource
mips            Boolean      ()           ()           ()    (MIPS 
dec             Boolean      ()           ()           ()    (DECStation 
sparc           Boolean      ()           ()           ()    (SUN SPARC)
bsd             Boolean      ()           ()           ()    (BSD unix)
hpux            Boolean      ()           ()           ()    (HP-UX UNIX)
aix             Boolean      ()           ()           ()    (AIX UNIX)
solaris         Boolean      ()           ()           ()    (SUN SOLARIS)
myResource      String       ()           ()           ()    (MIPS 
static_sh1      Numeric      ()           N            ()    (static)
external_1      Numeric      15           Y            ()    (external)
End Resource 



The name you assign to the new resource. An arbitrary character string.



The type of resource:


If TYPE is not given, the default type is Boolean.



Brief description of the resource.

The information defined here will be returned by the ls_info() API call or printed out by the lsinfo command as an explanation of the meaning of the resource.


Applies to numeric resources only.


If a larger value means greater load, INCREASING should be defined as Y. If a smaller value means greater load, INCREASING should be defined as N.


Optional. Applies to dynamic resources only.


Defines the time interval (in seconds) at which the resource is sampled by the ELIM.

If INTERVAL is defined for a numeric resource, it becomes an external load index.


If INTERVAL is not given, the resource is considered static.


Applies to numeric shared resources only, such as floating licenses.


Controls whether LSF releases the resource when a job using the resource is suspended. When a job using a shared resource is suspended, the resource is held or released by the job depending on the configuration of this parameter.

Specify N to hold the resource, or specify Y to release the resource.



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      Date Modified: February 24, 2004
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