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modifies job submission options of a job


bmod [bsub options] [job_ID | "job_ID[index]"]

bmod -g job_group_name | -gn [job_ID]

bmod [-sla service_class_name | -slan] [job_ID]

bmod [-h | -V]


[-B | -Bn]

[-N | -Nn]

[-r -rn ]

[-x | -xn]

[-a esub_parameters | -an]

[-b begin_time | -bn]

[-C core_limit | -Cn]

[-c [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model] | -cn]

[-D data_limit | -Dn]

[-e err_file | -en]


[-E "pre_exec_command [argument ...]" | -En]

[-f "local_file op [remote_file]" ... | -fn]

[-F file_limit | -Fn]

[-g job_group_name | -gn]

[-G user_group | -Gn]

[-i input_file | -in | -is input_file  |  -isn]

[-J job_name | -J "%job_limit" | -Jn]

[-k checkpoint_dir | -k "checkpoint_dir [checkpoint_period] [method=method_name]" | -kn]

[-L login_shell | -Ln]

[-m "host_name[@cluster_name][+[pref_level]] | host_group[+[pref_level]] ..." |-mn]

[-M mem_limit | -Mn]

[-n num_processors | -nn ]

[-o out_file | -on]

[-P project_name | -Pn]

[-q "queue_name ..." | -qn]

[-R "res_req" | -Rn]

[-sla service_class_name | -slan]

[-sp priority | -spn]

[-S stack_limit | -Sn]

[-t term_time | -tn]

[-U reservation_ID | -Un]

[-u mail_user | -un]

[-w 'dependency_expression' | -wn]

[-wa '[signal | command | CHKPNT]' | -wan]

[-wt 'job_warning_time' | -wtn]

[-W run_limit [/host_name | /host_model] | -Wn]

[-Z "new_command" | -Zs "new_command" | -Zsn]

[job_ID | "job_ID[index]"]


Modifies the options of a previously submitted job. See bsub(1) for complete descriptions of job submission options you can modify with bmod.

Only the owner of the job, or an LSF administrator, can modify the options of a job.

All options specified at submission time may be changed. The value for each option may be overridden with a new value by specifying the option as in bsub. To reset an option to its default value, use the option string followed by 'n'. Do not specify an option value when resetting an option.

The -i, -in, and -Z options have counterparts that support spooling of input and job command files (-is, -isn, -Zs, and -Zsn).

You can modify all options of a pending job, even if the corresponding bsub option was not specified.

Modifying a job that is pending in a chunk job queue (CHUNK_JOB_SIZE) removes the job from the chunk to be scheduled later.

By default, you can modify resource reservation for running jobs (-R "res_req"). To modify additional job options for running jobs, define LSB_MOD_ALL_JOBS=Y in lsf.conf.

Modifying running jobs

The following are the only bmod options that are valid for running jobs. You cannot make any other modifications after a job has been dispatched.

- CPU limit (-c [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model])

- Job group (-g job_group_name)

- Memory limit (-M mem_limit)

- Rerunnable jobs (-r | -rn)

- Resource reservation (-R "res_req")

- Run limit (-W run_limit[/host_name | /host_model])

- Standard output (stdout) file name (-o output_file)

- Standard error (stderr) file name (-e error_file)

Modified resource usage limits cannot exceed the limits defined in the queue.

To modify the CPU limit or the memory limit of running jobs, the parameters LSB_JOB_CPULIMIT=Y and LSB_JOB_MEMLIMIT=Y must be defined in lsf.conf.

If you want to specify array dependency by array name, set JOB_DEP_LAST_SUB in lsb.params. If you do not have this parameter set, the job will be rejected if one of your previous arrays has the same name but a different index.

Modifying resource requirements

The -R option of bmod completely replaces any previous resource requirement specification. It does not add the modification to the existing specification. For example, if you submit a job with

% bsub -R "rusage[res1=1]"

then modify it with

% bmod -R "rusage[res2=1]"

the new resource usage requirement for the job is [res2=1], not
[res1=1; res2=1].

Modifying advance reservations

If advance reservations are enabled, administrators can use the -U option of bmod to change a job to another reservation ID. For example:

%bmod -U user1#0 1234

To cancel the reservation, use the -Un option of bmod. For example:

%bmod -Un 1234

LSF administrators can prevent running jobs from being killed when the reservation expires by changing the termination time of the job using the reservation (bmod -t) before the reservation window closes.

For example:

%bmod -t 15:0 1234

Modifying job groups

Use the -g option of bmod and specify a job group path to move a job or a job array from one job group to another. For example:

% bmod -g /risk_group/portfolio2/monthly 105

moves job 105 to job group /risk_group/portfolio2/monthly.

Like bsub -g, if the job group does not exist, LSF creates it.

bmod -g cannot be combined with other bmod options. It can operate on finished, running, and pending jobs.

You can modify your own job groups and job groups that other users create under your job groups. The LSF administrator can modify job groups of all users.

You cannot move job array elements from one job group to another, only entire job arrays.

You cannot modify the job group of a job attached to a service class.

Modifying jobs in service classes

The -sla option modifies a job by attaching it to the specified service class. The -slan option detaches the specified job from a service class. If the service class does not exist, the job is not modified. For example:

% bmod -sla Kyuquot 2307

attaches job 2307 to the service class Kyuquot.

% bmod -slan 2307

detaches job 2307 from the service class Kyuquot.

You cannot:

Use bsla to display the properties of service classes configured in LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir/lsb.serviceclasses (see lsb.serviceclasses(5))and dynamic information about the state of each configured service class.


job_ID | "job_ID[index]"

Modifies jobs with the specified job ID.

Modifies job array elements specified by "job_ID[index]".


Prints command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.




Modifying remote running jobs in a MultiCluster environment is not supported.

If you do not specify -e before the job is dispatched, you cannot modify the name of job error file for a running job. Modifying the job output options of remote running jobs is not supported.

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      Date Modified: February 24, 2004
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