Neuphilologisches Institut
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


Oliver M. Traxel

WS 12/13
Wd 8-10

Room: Zentr. HS- und Seminargeb. - 1.010


Here you find the suggested course schedule for this semester. Some minor variation may occur. All students are expected to give presentations on the respective topics. The main textbook is Bloor, T. & M. Bloor (2004): The Functional Analysis of English. 2nd ed. London: Arnold, which is available in my semester apparatus (UB). The respective chapters should be consulted first but you will need to look at further literature for your presentations, as found, for example, in the Bibliography.

Session Date Topic Presentation
1. 17.10. Introduction, Distribution of Presentations  
2. 24.10. ch. 2: Labels Michaela Amrhein, Nadeshda Kraft
3. 31.10. ch. 3: Structure of the Clause Janet Crummett, Nahne Christin Prieß
4. 7.11. ch. 4: Information Structure and Thematic Structure Raphaela Daubert, Sebastian Winkler
5. 14.11. ch. 5: Grammar and Text Benjamin Fischer, Daniel Schneider
  21.11. Buß- und Bettag, no classes until 12  
6. 28.11. ch. 6: Process and Participant Felicitas Geis, Sina Kratzer
7. 5.12. ch. 7: Structure of the Nominal Group Sabine Hahnel, Antonia Schulte
8. 12.12. ch. 8: Embedded Clauses Frederik Lange, Teresa Wolfstädter
9. 19.12. Discussion of Coursework  
10. 9.1. ch. 9: Clause Complexes: Expansion Irene Luta, Martina Wehrsdorf
11. 16.1. ch. 10: Clause Complexes: Projection Laura Carrassi, Giulia Manciero, Christian Salamatin
12. 23.1. ch. 11: Applications of Functional Analysis Mona Erdmannsdörfer, Katrin Kehne
13. 30.1. ch. 12: Historical Perspectives Ramona Schubert, Christina Walther
  14.2. Date of Submission (10-12 o'clock, HiWi office)
  14.3. Date of Late Submission (10-12 o'clock, HiWi office)

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