
You can contact me by mail or e-mail:

Prof. Dr. Nikola-Michael Prpic-Schäper
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie und Entwicklungsbiologie
AG Zoologie mit Schwerpunkt Molekulare Entwicklungsbiologie
Carl-Vogt-Haus, 1. Obergeschoss, Westflügel
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 38,
35392 Gießen

E-mail: nikola-michael.prpic-schaeper (at)

Please note that I run Zoographia Germaniae only as a side project and unfortunately cannot spare much time for its maintenance. It may therefore take a long time before I can answer to inquiries. Please do not send any materials (specimens, photos etc.) to me, because I cannot return them to the sender and everything sent to me will eventually be discarded. If you wish to donate books, papers or other publications to be extracted/abstracted/cited in Zoographia Germaniae you may do so by sending paper copies to the postal address given above or a PDF file to the e-mail address specified above. Please note, that I cannot return any material sent to me, nor can I pay for the material or other costs.

This page has been updated on November 26, 2018
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic-Schäper. All rights reserved.