"Butt im Griff"  by Günter Grass

Bronce, ca. 2,30 m high, after a model in clay by Günter Grass, dating from 1982; set up in the courtyard in the context of the exhibtion Günter Grass. Bronzen - Terrakotten. Arbeiten auf Papier  (2004) in the Paulinerkirche. In Grass' works, the halibut stands for wisdom and experience of life.
A similar, smaller version of this sculpture, the "Bücher-Butt", is a awarded to the laureate of the Deutscher Bücherpreis, awarded during the Leipzig book fair.



Lichtenberg/ Neuhoff

"Georg Christoph Lichtenberg"  by Volker Neuhoff

Bronce, ca. 1,50 m high, by the Nienburg artist Volker Neuhoff, showing the hunchbacked Göttingen enlightenment physicist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg approx. in life size, sitting and surrounded by books. The sculpture was unveilled in the Akademiehof on the 30 Juni 1992, i.e. the eve before Lichtenberg's 250th birthday.