Website of Dr. Henry Grissino-Mayer
with the worlds best data bank for literature on dendrochronology with more than 6000 references. Further interesting links e.g. to data bank of world wide climate data partially ready for down-loading.

Home Page of the working group around Prof. Dr. F.H. Schweingruber
at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, with information on the upcoming "field weeks" of Fritz Schweingruber and others.

Home Page of  the IUFRO Unit 5.09.00 Tree ring analysis
with actual information on congresses and events in tree ring analysis and related objectives.

Missouri Botanical Garden
broad taxonomical data base for scientific names of tropical trees and their distribution

ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organisation)
Information on timber trade, congresses and discussion on sustainable management with report downloads.