scans done at 300 dpi, 16 bit, quality set cy in file name means Windows-Cyberview, xs Linux-Xsane 300q-22g-xs.pnm xs, software gain to 2.2 300q-cy.jpg what cy means is ok, without enhancements 300q-g10-xs.pnm xs, software gain to 1.0 300q-snoop-cy.pnm cy USB-snoop image extraction of 300q-cy.jpg settings-cy.jpg settings dialog of cy before 300q-cy.jpg, look at histogram settings-xs.jpg same for xs before 300q-22g-xs.pnm 3000 dpi, normal quality, 8 bit scans with Xsane to explore meaning of SCSI 0xdc command red_texp green_texp blue_texp red_gain ... xs-out790eff0b6c0c.jpg 0x79 0x0e 0xff 0x0b 0x6c 0x0c 0x3f 0x3d 0x39 0x07 0x00 0x00 xs-out791eff0b6c0c.jpg 0x79 0x1e 0xff 0x0b 0x6c 0x0c 0x3f 0x3d 0x39 0x07 0x00 0x00 xs-out791eff1b6c1c.jpg 0x79 0x1e 0xff 0x1b 0x6c 0x1c 0x3f 0x3d 0x39 0x07 0x00 0x00 typedef struct PIE_USB_Calibration_Send { unsigned char scsi_cmd[6]; uint16_t red_texp; uint16_t green_texp; uint16_t blue_texp; unsigned char copy_1[6]; unsigned char red_gain; unsigned char green_gain; unsigned char blue_gain; unsigned char some_time[3]; unsigned char copy_2[5]; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)) PIE_USB_Calibration_Send;