Lingua Aegyptia

Glossing Ancient Egyptian – Good practice examples

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The following examples exemplify the suggestions in the 2009 article by Daniel A. Werning and Camilla Di Biase-Dyson. Personal preferences of the authors may show the variety of possible adaptations.

New Kingdom Middle Egyptian (Daniel A. Werning, 2009)

text witness  
Transcription |2 m=ṯn =wj Ꜥq<=j> m= tꜢ= jmn-t
Glossing   ATTN=2PL  =1SG  go_in:IPFV[=1SG]   in=  land(M.SG).STC=  west-F.SG
Translation   I am entering the land of the west.

šzp =wj        Ꜥ(w)-wj=ṯn r=j
recieve:IMP  =1SG    arm-M:DU=2PL  to=1SG 
Receive me! (Give) me your hands!

m=ṯn =wj <r>ḫ{r}-kw s-t=ṯn ḫnt-(ï)t dwꜢ-t
ATTN=2PL  =1SG  get_to_know:RES-1SG  seat-F.SG=2PL  in_front-ADJZ.F  underworld-F.SG 
I know your place in the underworld.


|3 sḏm=|4n mdw-w= (W)sr(w)
  hear:NMLZ.IPFV=2PL word-M.PL.STC=  Osiris(M.SG)
You will hear the words of Osiris,

m=ḫt =js Ꜥp(j)-n=j dwꜢ-t
in=following  =FOCZ  pass:NMLZ-ANT=1SG  underworld-F.SG
even after I have passed the underworld.

Book of Caverns, 1st Cav.; 13th cent. BCE [tomb of Ramesses VII; approx. 1130 BCE]
(A. Piankoff, Livre des Qererets, Cairo 1946: pl.III)

Late Egyptian (Camilla Di Biase-Dyson, 2009)

Transcription ḫr (ı͗)n   bn ı͗w=w (r) dı͗.t=s n=k
Glossing CORD  Q NEG  FUT=3PL  [:FUT]  give:INF=3SG.F  PDAT=2SG.M 
Translation But will they not give it to you?

m.ı͗r ı͗yı͗ r= ptı͗ tꜢ ḥr-yt n= pꜢ ym
PROH  come:INF   PALL=   see:INF  ART:F.SG   terror-F  PGEN=   ART:M.SG   sea
Don’t come in order to see the terror of the sea.

wnn ı͗w=k (ḥr=) ptı͗ tꜢ ḥr-yt n= pꜢ ym
when BS=2SG.M   [PSUP=]   see:INF  ART:F.SG   terror-F  PGEN=   ART:M.SG   sea
Whenever you see the terror of the sea,

ı͗w=k (r) ptı͗ tꜢy=ı͗ ḥꜤ-t=ı͗
FUT=2SG.M   [:FUT]  see:INF  POSS:F.SG=1SG  body-F=1SG 
you shall see my own.

yꜢı͗ ı͗ry n=k
EXLM  NEG:did=1SG  do:INF   PDAT=2SG.M 
Indeed, I have not done to you

pꜢ ı͗rı͗=w (n=) nꜢ wp.wty-w n= ḪꜤı͗.m.wꜢs.t
ART:M.SG   do:REL.PFV   [PDAT=]  ART:PL   envoy-M.PL  PGEN=   Khaemwaset
that which they did (to) the envoys of Khaemwaset.

The Misfortunes of Wenamun; pMoscow 120, 2, 49; approx. 10th cent. BCE
(A.H. Gardiner, Late Egyptian Stories, p.72, l.2)

Please note that the recommendations on the online Wiki Glossing Ancient Languages and Texts are somewhat more developed. Please compare the versions and contribute to the online Wiki.

New Kingdom Middle Egyptian (Daniel A. Werning, 2013)

text witness  
|2 m=ṯn wı͗ Ꜥq<=ı͗> m tꜢ-ı͗mn.t  
  m-čn =wj Ꜥḳ-j m= tꜢ= jmn:t
Glossing   ATTN-2PL  =1SG  go_in:IPFV-1SG   in=  land(M)[SG]=  west:F[SG]
Translation   I am entering the land of the west.

šzp wı͗        Ꜥ(w).(wï)=ṯn r=ı͗
šzp =wj        Ꜥw:wï-čn r-j
recieve:IMP  =1SG    arm(M)-DU-2PL  to-1SG 
Receive me! (Give) me your hands!

m=ṯn wı͗ <r>ḫ{r}.kw s.t=ṯn ḫnt.(ï)t dwꜢ.t
m-čn =wj rḫ-kw s:t-čn ḫnt-ï-t ṭwꜢ:t
ATTN-2PL  =1SG  get_to_know:RES-1SG  seat:F[SG]-2PL  in_front-ADJZ-F  underworld:F[SG] 
I know your place in the underworld.


|3 sḏm=|4n mdw.(w)=(W)sr(w)
  sč̣m-čn mṭw-w= Wsr:w
  hear:NMLZ.IPFV-2PL word(M)-PL=  Osiris(M)[SG]
You will hear the words of Osiris,

m-ḫt js Ꜥp(ı͗).n=ı͗ dwꜢ.t
m=ḫt =js Ꜥp:n-j ṭwꜢ:t
in=following  =FOCZ  pass:NMLZ.ANT-1SG  underworld:F[SG]
even after I have passed the underworld.

Book of Caverns, 1st Cav.; 13th cent. BCE [tomb of Ramesses VII; approx. 1130 BCE]
(A. Piankoff, Livre des Qererets, Cairo 1946: pl.III)

Late Egyptian (Daniel A. Werning, 2013)

Hieratic text witness

ḫr (ı͗)n   bn ı͗w=(w) (r) dı͗.t=s n=k
ḫr jn   bn jw-w r= ṭj:t-s n-k
Glossing CORD  Q NEG  FUT1-3PL  FUT1 give:INF-3SG.F  for-2SG.M 
Translation But will they not give it to you?

m-ı͗r ı͗yı͗ r pt{r}ı͗ tꜢ ḥry.t n pꜢ ym
m_jr jy r= ptj tꜢ= ḥry:t n= pꜢ= ym
PROH  come:INF   to=   see:INF  DEF:F.SG=   terror:F  of=   DEF:M.SG=   sea
Don’t come in order to see the terror of the sea.

wn(n) ı͗w=k (ḥr pt{r}ı͗ tꜢ [ḥr⌉y.t n pꜢ ym
wnn jw-k   ptj tꜢ= ḥry:t n= pꜢ= ym
when BS-2SG.M   [at] see:INF  DEF:F.SG=   terror:F  of=   DEF:M.SG=   sea
Whenever you see the terror of the sea,

ı͗w=k (r) pt{r}ı͗ tꜢy=ı͗ ḥꜤ-t=ı͗
jw-k r= ptj tꜢy-j ḥꜤ:t-j
FUT1-2SG.M   FUT1=    see:INF  POSS:F.SG-1SG  body:F-1SG 
you shall see my own.

yꜢı͗ ı͗rï n=k
yꜢ bw:pw-j jrï n-k
EXLM  NEG:did-1SG  do:INF   for-2SG.M 
Indeed, I have not done to you

pꜢ ı͗rı͗=⌈w⌉ <n> nꜢ ı͗pwtï[.w] n ḪꜤı͗-m-WꜢs.t
pꜢ= jr-w n= nꜢ= jpwt:ï-w n= ḪꜤ_m_WꜢs:t
DEF:M.SG=   do:REL.PFV-3PL   for=  DEF:PL=   envoy(M)-PL  of=   Kha-em-waset
that which they did to the envoys of Kha-em-waset.

The Misfortunes of Wenamun; pMoscow 120, 2, 49; approx. 10th cent. BCE
(A.H. Gardiner, Late Egyptian Stories, p.72, l.2)

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Daniel Werning, Aug. 2013