Research Facilities

Following instrumental facilities are accessible at the department of inorganic chemistry:

Analytical lab

C, H, N calorimetry; titro processor for acid base titration and potentiometric analysis; photometry; osmometry; molar weight via cryoscopy; standard and microwave digestion

IR and UV/Vis Spectroscopy

FT-IR: Bio Rad FTS-7; UV/Vis: Perkin Elmer PE 320

Mass Spectroscopy

Finnigan MAT 8200 und MAT 95; EI, FI, FD, CI, DCI, FAB. Acurate mass measurement and GCMS are available. Please visit the technical group of Dr. Böhler (german) for further information !

NMR Spectroscopy

Avance 500 (500 MHz, multinuclear), Avance 200 (200 MHz, multinuclear)

Library at the institute

24 h access for members of the inorganic chemistry. Ca. 60.000 volumes, including ca. 530 current journals and countless monografics and memorial volumes.


In the technical group of Dr. Noltemeyer single crystals and powders can be analyzed. In the research group of Prof. Sheldrick a CCD-counter and a multiwire are in use. For more information click here.

In the adjacent building of the physical chemistry are further facilities, surface analysis, absorption spectroscopy etc., which can be used in cooperation with the research groups there. The three institutes of chemistry, inorganic, organic and physical, are associated in the Graduate Research Group "Kinetik und Selektivität chemischer Prozesse in verdichteter fluider Phase".