Package de.grogra.vecmath.geom

Interface Summary
CellIterator A CellIterator is used to iterate over the cells of an octree which are intersected by a line.
Mesh Instances of this interface define a polygonal mesh which can be used in MeshVolume to define a volume.
Volume This interface represents three dimensional geometric objects having a volume.

Class Summary
BoundingBox This class represents an axis-aligned bounding box.
CompoundVolume This abstract class can be used as base class for compound volumes whose geometry is defined in terms of a set of contained volumes.
Cone This class represents the geometry of a cone.
CSGComplement An instance of this class represents the complement of a volume.
CSGDifference An instance of this class represents the difference of a list of volumes.
CSGIntersection An instance of this class represents the intersection of a list of volumes.
CSGUnion An instance of this class represents the union of a list of volumes as defined by Constructive Solid Geometry.
Cube This class represents the geometry of a cube.
Cylinder This class represents the geometry of a cylinder.
EmptyVolume This class represents an empty volume, i.e., a volume which contains no point.
Frustum This class represents the geometry of a frustum.
FrustumBase This class represents the geometry of a cone.
HalfSpace This class represents the geometry of a half space.
ImplicitVolume This abstract base class represents the geometry of an implicit function.
Intersection Instances of Intersection specify the properties of an intersection point of a Line with the surface of a Volume.
IntersectionList This class contains a list of intersection points of a line with the surface of a Volume.
Line This class represents the geometry of a line.
MeshVolume This class represents a given Mesh as a Volume.
Octree Abstract base class for octrees.
Octree.Cell A Cell represents a cell of an Octree.
Octree.State An instance of State represents the state which is needed for octree algorithms, namely for the methods Octree.computeIntersections(de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Line, int, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Octree.State) and Octree.Cell.getVolume(int, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Octree.State).
OctreeUnion An OctreeUnion behaves like a SimpleUnion, but has a better performance due to the intersection acceleration by an octree.
SimpleUnion An instance of this class represents a simple union of a list of volumes.
SkySphere This class represents a sky sphere.
Sphere This class represents the geometry of a sphere.
Square This class represents the geometry of a square.
Supershape This class represents the geometry of a supershape.
TransformableVolume This class represents the base class for volumes whose geometry is specified in local coordinates.
UnionBase This abstract class is the base class for unions of volumes.
Variables This class contains a set of temporary variables which may be used freely in methods which receive an instance of Variables as argument.
VolumeBase This abstract class implements the operator and id methods of the interface Volume.