Proposals for comments on taxon homepages
Formulierungsvorschläge für Kommentare auf den Taxonseiten

This is a more or less internal page for the AnimalBase team members (but can of course be used by anyone else), we try to insert comments for repeately occurring problems in a consistent language, and since we are Germans this page also helps us to find the correct English words. Some passages on this page are in German.

We realized too late that the Commission's official publications did not use a consistent language, and we have mostly used the language used by ICZN 1987 (ICZN: Official Lists and Indexes etc., until 1986), rarely that of ICZN 2001 (Official Lists and Indexes etc., Supplement 1986-2000).


Incorrect subsequent spelling for [Taxon Autor, Jahr].

Unjustified emendation of [Taxon Autor, Jahr].

This is funny, it seems that English is either a rapidly changing language, or the ICZN Commission did not have Engish native speakers at their disposal when they decided which expressions should be used for nomenclatural solutions.
ICZN 1987: "suppressed under the plenary powers", "validated under the plenary powers", "incorrect subsequent spelling for", "incorrect original spelling for", "unjustified emendation of".
ICZN 2001: "suppressed under the plenary power", "validated under the plenary power", "incorrect subsequent spelling of", "incorrect original spelling of", "unjustified emendation of".
The term "plenary power" is in alignment with the Code's 4th edition (Art. 78.1). So for usage after 1986, or especially after 2000, it might be recommendable to say "power". We do not know why the term had been "powers" before 1987.
For the incorrect subsequent spellings the Code's Glossary says "spelling of an available name". Although we are not English native speakers, in the case of a particular name the term "for" sounds for us more appropriate. We say "synonym of", "homonym of", "emendation of" - in all these cases the name that follows behind "of" is a different available name. For new replacement names "for" is used (at numerous occasions in the Code). In an incorrect subsequent spelling the newly proposed spelling was only intended to substitute the other name, the intention seems to be important. Since there was only an intention that did not even result in anything that really came into existence under the Code (an incorrect subsequent spelling has no author and year), the term "for" sounds more appropriate. In a new replacement name we have a similar situation in that the new name was created in the intention to substitute the other name.


auch, wenn es nur selten vorkommt:
Expressly established as a new replacement name for [Taxon Autor, Jahr].

Wenn ein Möchtegern-Ersatzname eingeführt wurde ("das ist das Tier, das Linné xxx genannt hatte"):
(Possibly) intended as an alternate name for  [Taxon Autor, Jahr], not a new replacement name because no expressed statement was given (Art. 72.7).

Wenn im Sherborn ein Name mehrfach aufgeführt ist (und wir nicht nachprüfen können ob tatsächlich ein anderes Taxon gemeint ist, bzw. wenn erstmal nichts dagegen spricht):
Listed as (a) new (species) for [Autor] in Sherborn 1902/ by Sherborn 1902.
Listed as new in Sherborn 1902/ by Sherborn 1902.

Wenn der in Sherborn "neue" Name nicht eingetragen wird, sondern nur in die korrekte (alte) taxon homepage ein Kommentar eingefügt wird:
Listed in Sherborn 1902 as new for Müller 1774, but Müller just subsequently used Linné's (1767) name.

Wenn der in Sherborn "neue" Name schon eingetragen wird (nämlich dann, wenn das spelling oder die combination anders ist, und schon eine Zeile vorher ein spelling-Unterschied oder sowas erklärt wird):
Incorrect subsequent spelling for Correctgenus correctspecies Linné, 1767.<br>
Listed erroneously as new by Sherborn 1902, but Müller 1774 just used Linné’s (1767) name and referred bibliographically to it.  


Ergänzende Kommentare können z.B. sein:
It is unclear whether the authors referred to the same species.

Name mentioned earlier by [Autor Jahr]. (bei nomina nuda, synonyms etc.)

Name established earlier by [Autor Jahr]. (bei verfügbaren taxa names)

Probably/ possibly (not) the same (species) as [Taxon Autor, Jahr].

Probably/ possibly not [Taxon Autor, Jahr].
(es empfiehlt sich, dahinter eine kurze Erläuterung zu geben, from Suriname oder with blue wings.)


falls eine Art eindeutig nicht neu ist, aber als solche im Sherborn aufgeführt wird:
No new name, but...


Only a subsequent use of [Taxon Autor, Jahr].


Name originally spelled xxx, not to be corrected under Art. 32.5.