prosstt.tree module

This module contains the definition of the Tree class. The Tree class describes a lineage tree. Each object contains information about the topology of the lineage tree and the gene expression for each gene at each point of the tree.

class prosstt.tree.Tree(topology=[['A', 'B'], ['A', 'C']], time={'A': 40, 'B': 40, 'C': 40}, num_branches=3, branch_points=1, modules=None, G=500, density=None, root=None)

Bases: object

Formalization of a lineage tree.


list of lists – Each nested list contains a connection from one branch to another


dict – The length of each branch in pseudotime units


int – Total number of branches


int – Total number of branch points


int – Total number of expression programs for the lineage tree


int – Total number of genes


Series – Average gene expression per gene per branch


list – List of the branch names


str – Name of the branch that contains the tree root


Series – Density of cells at each part of the lineage tree


Sets the average gene expression trajectories of genes for all branches after performing a sanity check. Calls either _add_genes_from_relative or _add_genes_from_average.


Converts the tree topology to a dictionary where the ID of every branch points to the branches that bifurcate from it.

Returns:The topology of the tree in dictionary form.
Return type:dict

Calculates the pseudotimes at which branches start and end.

Returns:branch_time – Dictionary that contains the start and end time for every branch.
Return type:dict


>>> from prosstt.tree import Tree
>>> t = Tree.from_topology([[0,1], [0,2]])
>>> t.branch_times()
defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {0: [0, 39], 1: [40, 79], 2: [40, 79]})
def_genes = 500
def_time = 40

Initializes the density with a uniform distribution (every cell has the same probability of being picked. This is in case the users want to use the density sampling function.


Wrapper that simulates average gene expression values along the lineage tree by calling appropriate functions with default parameters.

classmethod from_newick(newick_tree, modules=None, genes=500, density=None)

Generate a lineage tree from a Newick-formatted string.

classmethod from_random_topology(branch_points, time, modules, genes)

Generate a random binary tree topology given a number of branch points.

static gen_random_topology(branch_points)

Generates a random topology for a lineage tree. At every branch point a bifurcation is taking place.

Parameters:branch_points (int) – The number of branch points in the topology

Calculate the maximum pseudotime duration possible for the tree.

Returns:start – Name of the starting node.
Return type:str

Find the branches that run in parallel (i.e. share a parent branch).


The pseudotime start and end of every branch in a path. Very similar to branch_times().

Parameters:stack (int array) – The pseudotime length of all branches that make up a path in the tree (from the origin to a leaf).
Returns:stack – The pseudotime start and end of every branch in the path.
Return type:list of 2D arrays

Finds all paths from a given start point to the leaves.

Parameters:start (str) – The starting point.
Returns:rooted_paths – An array that contains all paths from the starting point to all tree leaves.
Return type:int array

Returns an array that assigns pseudotime to time zones.

This function first determines the timezones by considering the length of the branches and then assigns a timezone to each pseudotime range. E.g. for Ts = [25, 25, 30] we would have timezone[0:24] = 0, timezone[25:49] = 1, timezone[50:54] = 2.

  • timezone (int array) – Array of length total_time, contains the timezone information for each pseudotime point.
  • updated_Ts (int array) – Converts from relative time to absolute time: given Ts=[25,25,25,25,25] branch 0 starts at pseudotime 0, but branches 1 and 2 start at pseudotime 25 and branches 3,4 at pseudotime 50.

Sets the density as a function of the pseudotime and the branching. If N points from the tree were picked randomly, then the density is the probability of a pseudotime point in a certain branch being picked.

Parameters:density (dict) – The density of each branch. For each branch b, len(density[b]) must equal tree.time[b].