
Via bioconda

Users of the anaconda python distribution can install mockinbird and all its dependencies using conda:

conda create -n mockinbird -c bioconda -c conda-forge python=3.6 mockinbird

Above command installs mockinbird into an independent conda environment named mockinbird. The environment has to be activated in the shell before the pipeline can be used. To activate, type source activate mockinbird.

mockinbird and all its dependencies are installed into a separate folder and will not interfere with the system. mockinbird can be cleanly removed by conda remove --all -n mockinbird.

To simplify the starting process, we recommend adding

alias load_mockinbird='source activate mockinbird'

to the startup script of your shell. On most linux systems this command has to be added to ~/.bashrc, on macOS you have to edit ~/.bash_profile.

After restarting your shell you can now load mockinbird by typing load_mockinbird instead of the the more verbose and cryptic source activate mockinbird.

Manual installation

In order to run mockinbird and all shipped modules, following tools and libraries have to be installed. Please make sure that all command line tools are accessible through your PATH environment variable.

Python libraries

  • cython (tested: 0.25.2) [BBC+11]
  • scipy (tested: 0.19.0)
  • numpy (tested: 1.11.3) [WCV11]
  • pandas (tested: 0.19.2)
  • matplotlib (tested: 2.0.0) [Hun07]
  • pysam (tested:
  • rpy2 (tested: 2.8.2)
  • pyyaml (tested: 3.12)
  • jinja2 (tested: 2.9.6)

R libraries

  • VGAM (tested 1.0-2)
  • fdrtool (tested 1.2.15) [Str08]
  • LSD (tested 3.0)

Commandline tools