Installation ============ Via bioconda ------------ Users of the `anaconda `_ python distribution can install *mockinbird* and all its dependencies using ``conda``: :: conda create -n mockinbird -c bioconda -c conda-forge python=3.6 mockinbird Above command installs *mockinbird* into an independent conda environment named ``mockinbird``. The environment has to be activated in the shell before the pipeline can be used. To activate, type ``source activate mockinbird``. *mockinbird* and all its dependencies are installed into a separate folder and will not interfere with the system. *mockinbird* can be cleanly removed by ``conda remove --all -n mockinbird``. To simplify the starting process, we recommend adding :: alias load_mockinbird='source activate mockinbird' to the startup script of your shell. On most linux systems this command has to be added to ``~/.bashrc``, on macOS you have to edit ``~/.bash_profile``. After restarting your shell you can now load mockinbird by typing ``load_mockinbird`` instead of the the more verbose and cryptic ``source activate mockinbird``. Manual installation ------------------- In order to run mockinbird and all shipped modules, following tools and libraries have to be installed. Please make sure that all command line tools are accessible through your ``PATH`` environment variable. Python libraries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - cython (tested: 0.25.2) :cite:`behnel2010cython` - scipy (tested: 0.19.0) - numpy (tested: 1.11.3) :cite:`walt2011numpy` - pandas (tested: 0.19.2) - matplotlib (tested: 2.0.0) :cite:`Hunter:2007` - pysam (tested: - rpy2 (tested: 2.8.2) - pyyaml (tested: 3.12) - jinja2 (tested: 2.9.6) R libraries ^^^^^^^^^^^ - VGAM (tested 1.0-2) - fdrtool (tested 1.2.15) :cite:`strimmer2008fdrtool` - LSD (tested 3.0) Commandline tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `R `_ (tested 3.3.1) - `samtools `_ (tested 1.4) :cite:`li2009sequence` - `umi_tools `_ (tested 0.4.3) :cite:`smith2017umi` - `STAR `_ (tested 2.5.3a) :cite:`dobin2013star` - `bowtie `_ (tested 1.2.0) :cite:`langmead2010aligning` - `xxmotif `_ (tested 1.6.0) :cite:`luehr2012xxmotif` - `fastqc `_ (tested 0.11.5) - `skewer `_ (tested version 0.2.2) :cite:`jiang2014skewer`