Göttinger Beiträge zur Byzantinischen und Neugriechischen Philologie (GBBNP)
edited by Alexander Sideras and Brita Kotrasch

Notes for prospective authors

Manuscripts must be submitted in camera-ready form. Those articles that have been accepted for publication will be printed without further editing. No proofs will be sent to the author. Please notice the following guidelines:
  • DIN A4.
  • 2.5 to 3cm margin on all four sides (American authors: the text area should measure 6'' x 9.5'').
  • Font size: 12-13 pt, footnote: 10-12 pt.
  • Please mark the page numbers with pencil on the reverse side of sheets.
  • Publication languages: English, German, Greek, French, Italian.
  • The name of the author should be entered below the title (centered).
  • An abstract (100-150 words) should be included on the title page above the text, preferably in a language other than the article itself.

    A notification of receipt of the manuscript will be sent to the author.
    Submissions should be sent to:

    Prof. Dr. Sideras
    Byzantinische und Neugriechische Philologie
    Seminar für Klassische Philologie
    Humboldtallee 19
    37073 Göttingen


    Brita Kotrasch
    Zuletzt geändert am 23.06.2006